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Your POV
I wake up to the sound of singing birds outside of my bedroom window. Rolling, I try to cover my eyes for a few extra minutes of shut eye. That proved to be a horrible idea, seeing as I fell off my bed. Slowly, I begin to open one of my _____(color) eyes.
"Ugh! Why does this just have to happen to me?" I yell/question to myself. Getting up, I pat my _____(fav color) nightgown as the ______(material) fabric falls just two inches below my knees.
I walk towards my bathroom,  almost bumping into the door post. My fingers glide around the marble counter, feeling for the hair brush. At this point in time, my eyes finally work with the rest of my body and makes everything visible again. Looking towards the mirror, I slowly begin to comb my _____(color) locks from the roots to the tip. After what feels like eternity, the tangles in my hair are no more.

Exiting the bathroom, I get dressed in my traveling clothes. A pair of leggings  a simple ______(fav color) shirt, and a ____(color) cardigan. I grab my special dagger with me and head out.

~~~le time skip ~~~

After my daily rounds in my village, _____, I head into the nearby forest. There is a lake hidden behind some trees. Finally, I get to that mentioned lake, but there is a man, I can sense a dark presence from him. His black hair that ends just under the nape of his neck, and that mask he wears goes with his all black ensemble. Before I can turn away and run, the man notices me an smiles? I cannot tell, however his eyes wrinkle, so that is the only possible explanation. Mischievous or glee, that is only seen in the mouth. My instincts tell me to run, but my legs are locked. All I can do is grip my dagger that hangs on the leather around my neck in fear.then, he speaks.

"Hello, young lady." The way he says it sends shivers up my back. I suck it up and manage to stutter out a few words.
"H-h-hello, w-what a-are y-you d-d-doing, a-r-r-round a p-place like t-this?" Wow, _____, very cool.
"Oh, come now, there is nothing to fear, my name is Gene." Gene, i have heard that name before, he is a magicks user, the ability to alter memories.
"My n-name is _____. " there's nothing to worry about, just play it cool.
"____,that is a wonderful name." Gene says, with faked innocence.
I'm about to retort, however, a pain runs through me and I black out. All I could hear was a voice saying:
"You should be careful who you talk to, _____." Then everything fades. I can no longer feel, touch, see, move, or talk. Help me!

Ohh, a cliffhanger, lol. How was my first chapter? Was it bad? It probably was.

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