Chapter 1: the nether

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A.N. This song is My Demons, it'll be linked in the story somehow, you'll find out in Chapter 3. I think that this song gives it all away.

Your Pov

I wake up to find myself in a room. Everything is red. The color of blood. Recalling on all the textbooks I read, it MUST be the nether. Where the shadow Knights dwell. I notice that I am on an alter, is this the 'ceremony' that turns you into a shadow knight? Just then, a croak echos through the room. Quickly, I shut my eyes, and pretend to be asleep. The presence grows stronger until it is, I presume, to the right of my head.

"This magicks user's powers are strong, it will be an excellent addition to our collection of shadow knights." I hear Gene's voice.

"Yeah, and I hear she is famous for controlling people using music. If I am correct, her name ________(fake name, cuz that's what you go by.) the Enchantress." A girl's voice echos through the room. Are they going to use me for world domination? or worse, to use my powers to strengthen the Shadow Lord?

"But won't she fight back? Magicks users have more of a chance wake up during the ceremony." Jokes on you, I'm already awake. For safety, I'll fake the slumber. "Should I alter her memories to make her think that she is my finance? So she won't fight back?" WHAT NO!!!! I mentally yell. To my luck the girl seems to reject it.

"W-what!? n-no! That's just weird, don't be a creeper, just make it so she thinks that she is your sister or something." Is it just me or is there a hint of jealousy in her voice?

"That's an excellent idea, Sasha! That would save me from an awkward situation. But I am willing to risk anything for this power, it's the best for world domination, after all." WHAT IS THIS GUY EVEN SAYING!? Is he drunk!? I think to myself. I shake that Thought out of my head and pretend to have a nightmare.

"S-Samuel," I fake out. (p.s. Samuel is your old crush, deal with it) "D-don't go! I l-love you!" Then I pretend to cry in my sleep. I just hope they're buying this. The girl named Sasha smirks.

"Idea! Lets make her think that this 'Samuel' betrayed her." She says.

Gene smirks. "Oh, your evil, Sasha." Bull crap! I mentally yell. Samuel risked his life to save me! That thought makes my heart hurt. He died saving me. Then I begin to sob for real.

"Oh, dear, let us fix this." with that, I feel warm  leather on my forehead. I presume it's his hand, and I feel a light and I brace myself for the impact. However, it seems to fail. Samuel, I will never think you betrayed me, you were my best friend and was always there for me.  that only thought remains in my mind.


"Samuel! No! Please, don't risk your life for me!" I yell as the hot flames flicker as more guards flood the halls.

"______(name) No! I want you to live and have many happy memories. Even if they are without me." Samuel calls back, firing another arrow the guards from the window. I feel something wet on my cheeks. Tears.

"Samuel, Please! I love you! Live!" Samuel tosses something to me, a small box. Then he speaks.

"_____(name), I may not see you again, but I want you to always remember me. _____(name), I love you! So please, run." Those were the last words I heard from Samuel, before I fled.

"OK." I sob saying so. Pulling up the hood from the _____(color) cloak that Samuel gave to me for my 18th birthday gift, I run out the castle. I reach the stables and run to my horse. Saddling up my horse, I whisper in it's ear. "Epona (haha, yes I did), I'm counting on you." I say.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I reach my 'Summer cottage' or second home in the village of _____(village name). Then I tie up Epona into he box/stable and unlock my door. Stepping inside, I notice that there is ALOT of cleaning to do. Grey dust is everywhere, even on the windows. I take note of that and light the oil lamp on my living room table. Slowly and carefully, I take out and open the small white leather box Samuel tossed to me. The sight of it makes my heart drop.

"Oh, Samuel." I begin to sob. Inside was a silver locket with a picture of us when we were little. His brown hair and blue eyes, oh how I loved his charming smile and sweet persona. The sobbing turns to a mixture of breath catching and more crying.

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