chapter 2:Blood Red

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A.N. This is the Nightcore version, sounds like a woman... Also, I don't update so early in the morning, I have a day off from school.

your POV


I am brought back to the present by a blinding light. Gene was supposed to alter my memory, but, I still remember Samuel, and how he saved me. I could never hate Samuel. Then, again, Ihear a voice i dread, Gene.

"Now _____(name) will think that this man betrayed her. You are brilliant, Sasha." This MONSTER says.

"Hehe, thank you." Sasha seems flushed. How can a woman even fall in love with this MONSTER!? If i were in the condition to, I wold be having a mental break down.

~~~Time skip~~~

My _____(color) eyes shoot open from my 'nap'. I push myself up to find myself not in my usual clothes. Instead of my shirt and leggings, I am clad in a long, red dress. Black lace just above where my bust starts, The sleeves are puffed an inch above my elbows, The rest of the sleeves are what I believe to be silk is loose and stops at my wrists. (google 'red marie antoinette dress' for a better idea.) Why am I wearing this? I ponder for a moment. Then, a creek of a door is heard. Quickly, I slam my head down, HORRID IDEA. I end up almost blinding myself, again. Any more pressure, and I would be blind for a month. I hear a voice I had never heard before.

"Oh dear, it appears that the rumors are true. There is a magicks user here," This man says in melancholy. "She does not deserve to go through this." His voice fads a bit and then, i hear: "Against my will." So was he turned into one of them against his will? I wonder who he is. I would like to meet him. I think to myself. My thoughts were cut off by something warm on my forehead. What!? Wtf just happened?

~~~More time skip cuz the author needs to keep chapter at reasonable size~~~

~~~Week later~~~

My head hurts, my heart aches, I am blinded, and worst of all, I am paralyzed. I cannot even begin to express the pain that I have been put through. Like Usual, Gene comes in around the same time, every twelve hours. Yes I counted, there was nothing to do. He performs the ritual, like always, I resist to the best of my abilities.

~~~2 days later~~~

I feel better, I am no longer paralyzed, My heart and body is still sore,and aching, however. Finally, my ability to move is restored, meaning I can at least move around a bit, given the large gap in time. Now if only I could see again.

~~~1 day later~~~

Finally! I can see! I get up from the bed I lay on and finally, take my first steps in the Nether. However, I am closer to becoming a 'true' shadow knight. I can sense A LOT of shadow knights around. Am I going to turn? Is my heart going to be tainted? These questions flood my mind. It was cut off by a presence, not as dark as the other ones I feel. It's too late to run back to the place I lay. I AM SO BURNT!

Ohhh, another cliffhanger, HAHAHAHA! I am such a troll. Who could this person be? Is it Gene, Sasha, another shadow knight? Will you be in trouble? Find out in chapter 3: Caught. What will happen to you? I decide your fate

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