Chapter 9

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He does not speak, instead, he moves his hand in a familiar pattern, sign language.

"I prefer not to speak, Gene can hear my voice, I am also not in the condition to talk." His hands gesture.

"I see, I'm sorry to see that. Do you know a way out? I will pay any price." He rocks his fist up and down, signaling a yes. "You do?"

"I know two, actually, but you need a teleportation stone, the other one is using another stone as a substitute for obsidian."

"But I run the risk of letting other knights out..."

"Correct." I feel a strong presence draw closer, it feels familiar, Gene... the man in the cell's eyes grow worried. "Go!" He signals with his hands. I nod, using the teleportation amulet to escape above the cells.

The next day, I plan to visit the cells again, but this time I bring food, scones. I pack the last one into the basket, proud of my work. Honestly, I just want to help out, he seems hungry and distant, it hurts, to see someone like that. I teleport to the dungeons, and walk to the man's cell. He looks up, almost in fear. I offer a warm smile.

"Hello." I signal with my hands, he does so back.

"What?" Well, someone's happy, but then again, he is being held captive.

"I thought you would like some food." I sign with one hand and hold out the basket in the other.

"What is in it?"


"There's only one problem."


"There is no place for you to slip the food under." I laugh, I'm called the enchantress for a reason. I flick my hand up and to the right. The bar follows my movements.

"What were you saying?"

"Nothing." I hand him the basket of scones.

"Don't worry about Gene, I've made the basket and scones invisible to him. As well as myself, you should be fine." I smile, it was nice making others happier.

He doesn't respond, he just continues eating. He finishes the scones within five minutes, he must have been through so much.

"What do you wish to know?" He signs with both of his hands.

"First, your name." I sign back.


"Alright Vlyad, I'll call you that from now on."

"What do you wish to know?"

"The way out." I state plainly. I only want to see Laurence again, even if it's just once.

Lovers of the Shadow (Laurence x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now