Don't Burn It

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This is Daisy

Sophie's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock in my ears, but i also hear snorting, and it wasn't mine...I switched it off and stood up, i looked to Brad's bed which wasn't slept in..wait..if he isn't in here then...who is snorting..? I turned around to find Alex sleeping on my chair and desk, he looked like an angel...OMG Sophie..snap out of it..stop thinking about him.

My phone was going crazy with messages. I had 5 from Marie and 3 from Brad. I opened Marie's to see what was so important...i was late for school and she was worried. I clicked on Brad's messages and one was from last night...that's what i heard before falling a sleep. It read:

'Hey little sis, everything is ok, but me and Josh will stay the night at Sean's house tonight, i guess he needed even more help for the you..sleep tight and ill see you tomorrow at school..oh and don't forget to feed the dog' Fiouw...i would say my luck was good..the night that Alex slept my room..they decided to sleep over as well..

"morning baby glue.." a deep morning voice said..which i had never heard before but it was sweet..

" come you slept over last night..?" i asked him and with a confused expression on his face he said.."ohh...well..i didn't realize that you didn't want me here.." he said

"no...i put me to sleep and then you stayed..why..?"i asked

"well..i knew that you were alone and i..i..i wanted you to be safe so..i stayed i finished you English project and the finishing touches to your revision for the big test on Monday"he said

"ohh..thank you i guess" i gave him a smile

"that's what i want to see when i get up in the morning.." he gave me a wink

"okayyy...well now that that is over..let's go to school we are already late"i said

"okay..ill just pop over get my motorbike and ill see you at your front door..?"Okay..i know how this looks but..i've always wanted to ride on a didn't want to be even more late for school

"umm..yes..sounds like a plan"i said while going down stairs and him behind me " careful okay..i don't want to see your face on the ground this time.."i said while trying not to fall on the ground laughing

"ha ha ha your so funny" he said

"i know"i said while giving him a wink

"wow...i am really rubbing off on you aren't i..?"he asked

"yeah..just a tinny bit.." i said "but don't flatter your self"i added

"hmm..we will see about that.."he said and stepped out side the front door while closing it behind him

I had this grin on my i was glowing..i've never had one before..i Sophie..don't say it..but i have to...i guess that's what you get when your falling for someone...

I fed the dog got my bag and ran out the door as soon as i heard an engine..i locked it behind me...he gave me his helmet..he only had one..

"'s ok..the driver should have the helmet" i said while pushing it back to him

"yeah..but i wanna keep you safe.."he said while giving me a hand to get my leg over the seat

"if you wanna keep me safe..i suggest going full speed cause Marie is going to kill me"i said with a sarcastic voice while he nodded..and off we went.

We got there in seconds..he is really good at driving..he also knows a lot of shortcuts which made the ride shorter.

"thank you.."i said while getting of and putting my bag over my arm

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