I Promise

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This is Tyler

Sophie's POV:

It's Thursday....thank god..it's the nearly end of the week, i can't take it anymore..every time i think of Alex or my brothers...it all comes back to Sean..i hate him..how can a person go from being in love with someone to hating them..i know that he was drunk and that he didn't know what what was going on but he shouldn't have forced himself on me. 

I feel...happy...for the first time after all of this..from the beginning of the year, from everything that's happened though it...i feel happy..happy to be alive, happy to have a loving family..well my brothers.., happy to have a roof over my head and food on the table, happy to be able to go to school and learn something, happy to have a best friend like Mary, happy to...know Alex..

I got up from my bed grabbed my phone and clothes, gave Brad who was really snoring hard..a light push with my hand so that he woke up..it feels good to be the one waking him up, he is the one who usually does all the waking up here, and headed to the bathroom, got changed, put my shoes on and was looking in the mirror when my phone rang for a message..

"baby glue, ill be outside your door in 5"

"morning to you too mister Alex..okay ill see you there"

"don't be late baby glue" he warned

"ill try not to , but you have to let me get ready...so stop texting back..!!" i warned back at him

The same sound came on my phone again for a message as i was coming out of the bathroom ready to go to school..but when i checked my phone..it wasn't him

"i was wrong..i start school today, can't wait to see you xx Tyler "

WHAT THE..?? How did he get my number..and why does he think that i even care about him or the fact that he's starting school today..what a weirdo..i'm not gonna answer him..no way, and..the only person that i put kisses to is my brothers and maybe Mary from time to time..and then it came back to me...Sean took my first kiss even if i didn't want it to be there or with him..he took it from me...another reason to hate him.

I hoped down stairs forgetting all about Tyler and whatever other problems i think i had and focused only on Daisy, feeding her and Alex..

"come on slow poke.."i hear a shout from the front garden, he was outside waiting for me so we could go to school together on his motorbike, i fed Daisy, gave her a kiss on the head wrote a note 'gone to school, don't be late..Sophie' for my brothers and opened the door to..my type of prince charming and his carriage.

"ssshhh.."i said while stepping of the porch and heading to him "i just got Josh to like you, if you interrupt his sleep...your dead "i added making us both laugh.

"come here" he said while opening his arms for a big hug...he wrapped his arms around me as i did the same, he squeezed me tightly not so much that it hurt but enough to make me feel safe and sound.

"what was that for..?"i asked letting go of him

"nothing.."he said, i could feel it was more than that

"Alex Clarke..."i said giving him an angry face

"okay okay, you got me.."he said while giving me a hand to get on the bike "i just want you to feel that.."he tried to say but stopped

"go one.."i said while he got on as well and i wrapped my arms around his waist...so that i didn't fall obviously..

"i just want you to feel safe in my arms"he said quietly so quietly that i could barely hear him, and then he turned on the engine so that i didn't have a chance to say anything..

We got to school about five minutes earlier than usual...which was unusual...

"Alex..?"i said while he was getting off the bike

"you don't have to say anything baby glue i just thought that you needed a hug..so i offered"

"Alex..?"i said hesitantly...

"yeah baby glue..?"

"i liked it..i really did need one and thank you for offering.."i said

"thank you for accepting"he said with a wink

"hahahahh okay..we are actually earlier than usual which is really weird..."i said

"yeah i know..i guess i was.."he tried to say while i gave him the ' go on ' look " look okay..i don't know why and don't ask me but..i feel really happy today Sophie...i feel so happy i don't know what changed but i guess something did.." he said

"you won't believe me but...so do i..."i admitted 

"really..?"he asked

"well yeah a second was taken away from me when this weirdo texted me but other that that...i'm happy..with you, ghmm i mean..i'm happy that your happy.."i tried to cover up...

"me too "he said with a sweet but bad boy smile at the same time "what weirdo..?"he asked looking straight though my eyes and not flinching for a second..

"i don't know...this guy called Tyler i think.."i said while getting out my phone

"please no.."he said under a whisper that i acted no to hear

"yeah it is Tyler..i met him a few days ago i think in the school...what a weirdo right..? I didn't even give him my name..never mind my number..!!" i said....he looks worried....he looks like his going to explode...

"Alex..?"i said while putting my arm on his shoulder

"promise me that if this guy ever tries to contact you in any way that you will tell me..."he said putting both of his hands on my shoulders 

"i..promise" i said.."but why..?" i added looking straight in to each others eyes..

"he is a very dangerous man.."he answered with his deep voice, which tells me that he means it...

"you do know that he is starting school here right..?"

"no i didn't.." he said throwing his leg around the motorbike getting ready to head off again..

"where to you think you are going..?"i asked in concern...is he that much of a threat that he has Alex all round up..? What could he have possibly have done that is that bad...and why does Alex know about him..?

"Alex..?"i said standing beside him...

"yes baby glue..?"i answered

"promise me that you will explain everything when you have time and promise me that you will be careful since he is that much of an enemy" i said

"baby glue..i promise.."he said "and i promise that he will never annoy you again.."he added in a manly voice that he has...

He grabbed me and gave me a hug...one that felt like it was sent from heaven...it was romantic but serious at the same time, i love hugging his big wide chest..

Hey beautiful people..!! Please comment and tell me what you think so far x Also..i think it's high time we found Alex and Sophie a ship name don't you? Comment what you've come up with ;)

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