The Unexepcted

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Sophie's POV:

After Alex ditched me i had to walk in to school feels like a life time ago since i've walked in alone, i always have Alex, my brothers or's a weird feeling..but i guess i'm gonna have to get used to it since next year ill be walking alone a lot..i wont have my brothers, friends or anyone i know in Virginia..that's were i want to study they have an amazing teachers program.

I haven't even asked were Alex wants to go and study...even if he acts like a stupid bad boy, he's actually really clever and i can't wait to hear were he want's to go and spend the next few years of his life.

As i was walking from hall to hall i remembered that i had English which i forgot my books in my locker so i started in the opposite way to head towards my locker when someone touched my shoulder with there arm and turned me towards them.

"hey Soph how come you didn't answer my text..?" Tyler said still placing his arm on my shoulder.."did you not get it or something..?"he added with a questionable look

"no i got it.." i said pushing his hand off my shoulder, turning away from him and started to walk the opposite way of him

" why didn't you answer me then..?"he asked trying to catch up with me

"i don't have to explain myself to you"i said walking faster

"hey Soph.."he said trying to place his arm on my shoulder again..

"don't you dare call me that again.."i said turning around for a second and then back again

"look okay..i don't know what's up with you but..i would love to hear"he said still beside me "i'm a great listener" he added

"never in your wildest dreams.."i said turning in to the girls bathroom

"Sophia...let's just talk" i heard from outside the toilet door

"go away"i shouted back

I looked around the bathroom and saw Mary looking in the mirror and fixing her hair...

"Mary..?"i asked stepping forward to her

"hey Sophie..long time no see.."

"i know Mar trust me i really want to hang out with you but-"

"yeah i get it..."she said stepping aside me and heading for the exit

"no Mar don't"i tried to warn her...

I didn't want her to find out about Tyler..if he is that dangerous then she shouldn't know him....

"what is it now..?"she said opening the door to find Tyler with one of his hands up leaning on the door frame waiting for me...

"hey..umm is someone called Sophie inside there..?"he asked with a deep voice, Mary turned around to look at me while i tried everything in me to ask her to say no..

"no she isn't"

"okay well then when you see her ask her to text me please.." he said turning and walking away...

"will do"she said closing the door behind while stepping back in to the toilets

"do you want to explain to me why i just rejected a hot guy..?"she asked

"ahahah yeah well..."

"oh come on Sophie..!!!" she complained " please tell me.."she added

"okay..fine...i met him a few days ago in the hall we talked well basically he talked and i just listened and then i blew him off..."i said

"soo...were is the problem..?"she asked

"he texted me this morning.."i said

"i still can't see a problem..."she said

"i've heard that he is dangerous so..i'm gonna keep my distance and so should you"

"what does Alex think about this..?"she asked

"why.."..."ghmm why would Alex care..?"

"are you serious right now Sophie..?"


"he is completely and over the moon in love with you.."

"what..what are you talking about..?"i asked

"maybe you can't see it shows.." she said

"i just hope that you don't feel the same way about him.."she said

"what are you talking about..?"i shouted "he is an amazing guy!! I am so happy when i am around him...i've never felt this way about a guy before..never mind Sean..!!!" i  shouted even harder "so..if you have a problem with him then i cant force you to like him but don't talk about him like he is not a human be-" i was cut off by her lips...Mary, my best friend since i can remember..just brought her lips to mine...

"what the hell are doing..?"i shouted pushing her away

"i've waited for this day a long time.."she said


"Sophie i wanted to tell you i..just didn't know how to.."

"okay then go ahead.."i said...i'm not mad at her..i mean yeah..i guess i do feel a bit weird but..i can't imagine how she our community were everyone knows everyone and something like this is a bad thing..but it's not...i'm not a lesbian cousin is gay and i wouldn't change him for the world...ever..

"i'm..." she tried to say.. "i'm a lesbian.."she admitted

"Mary..are you okay..?" i asked

"no..i just ruined our friendship..." she said

"you will never ruin this friendship.."i said while giving her a big strong hug

"are you sure..?"she if i would think less of her if in my eyes she is someone else..nope..

"Mary i love you and i wouldn't change you even if you wanted me to.."i said releasing her

"you don't feel disgusted..?"she asked


"okay.."she said giving me a hug

"come on..i'm hungry.."i said

"when are you ever not..?"she asked

"never.."...making us both laugh hard until we go to the cafeteria...

I forgot to text Alex and tell him that what ever he though he had done to make Tyler go away didn't work...i don't care about Tyler right now...all i care about is making sure that Mary is ok.

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