A Day Of Surprises...

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Sophie's POV:

I walked through the front door after i saying goodbye to Alex..and his motorbike. I love his motorbike, i never did like fast, noisy , large things but, i've grown to love it...and it's owner.

"hey sisi"Brad said with a bowl of popcorn in his hands

"hey"i said putting down my bag next to the stairs and looking around "where's Josh..?"i asked

"he's with a chick"he answered

"again"i said

"dude, don't call women chicks...that's just sexist" a voice from the living room said were i can here the playstation being played and the popcorn being eaten...i know that voice, i've talked to that voice...i'm scared it's going to be...surprise..it's

"Sean"i said angrily

"hey..umm i honestly didn't know that you were going to be here"he said...he really does think that i'm stupid doesn't he..?

"i live here..!!"i shouted

"yeah but i mean..who knows, you might have been hanging out with Alex"he gloated knowing that Brad who cant stand Alex, was listening. Brad was sitting next to him also playing....he didn't say anything but he gave me a look..and i gave him one back, i couldn't handle it anymore i broke...

I stepped over the small living room table which was centered in the middle of all the sofas and went for the attack..i grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed him to the ground, until Brad wrapped his arms around me so tight in his chess that i could hear his heart beating. I was pushing and kicking trying to get out of his hold, but, as i have already said..my brothers are strong..after a few seconds i just gave up and he let me loose the same time Sean got up the floor...pussy..

"what's wrong dude..scared of my sister.."Brad jokingly said

"dude quit it..!!" Sean said while setting his shirt back to the place it was before i put a hole into it..

"you put a hole in it..!!"he complained

"you better get out of my house before i make another hole..somewhere you won't like..a permanent one.."i said with an evil voice pointing at the door

"fine..i'm gone..later dude"he said to Brad

"bye pussy cat"Brad said while closing the door that Sean left though

I cant stand this guy..!!! He makes my blood boil..!! He is the reason that Alex is black and blue..he is the reason why i had my first serious and on going fight with Josh..he took my first kiss..he is the reason that i like Alex that little bit more...so i guess i should thank him . . . over my dead body...

It was 7 o'clock...i was getting worried cause Josh wasn't home yet..he always comes home just after we had finished lunch..so, either he went for dinner which is highly impossible cause at least he would pick us up and take us with him, or..the girl really means something to him...that is also highly impossible...as i also have said..he is kind of a big player when it comes to girls...

I looked outside the window cause i heard a door slamming really hard on a neighbors house so i thought to go and check it out..it was Josh and he was coming out of the Clark's house..i hope he wasn't there for Alex..i could never forgive him if he hurt him again...i love both my brothers to death but..when it comes to Alex..i don't know what comes over me..i just..don't...

"hey Sophie"he said walking in to the house with a big smile on his face that went up until the moon...

"umm..hi.."i said confused

"what..?"he said "can't i be happy..?"he added hugging me tightly

"umm yeah..sure but..why..?"i asked accepting his hug

"because life is full of happy moments " he said

"okay...so..you really like this girl huh..?"i asked

"yeah shes amazing"he said letting me go and hoping to the kitchen as i followed him

"okay..."i said while jumping for the kitchen counter "so...why did you come out of the Clark's house..?"i asked

"why so many question..?"he asked

"nothing..just asking.."i said

"mhm...malterseres..?"he said while handing me a bag of them

"is that even a question..?" i said with a smile going to accept them from his hands but then he snatched them away...

"not before dinner..and not before i tell you the surprise of a life time.."he said

"OMG yes..i forgot..go on hit me"i said waiting to hear the 'surprise of a life time'

"well.."he said sitting next to me.. "i got all three of us tickets for New York City...this weekend.."he added

"are you serious..?!?!?!" i asked in complete surprise..

"deadly..were going to NYC.."he said

"thank you thank you thank you..!!" i said hugging him on the counter..

"what did i miss..?" Brad said walking in to the room

Me and Josh looked at each other and shouted " WE ARE GOING TO NYC..!!" together at the same time

"are you serious..that's sick..!!" Brad said also hugging us from the ground..it was a 'group hug' which lasted for about seconds after i broke it..

"what about mum and dad..?" i said "did you ask them if we are aloud..?" i added

"ghmghmghm...i did..and.."he said keeping us in anticipation..."they are coming with us..!!" he added

"OMG OMG OMG OMG are you serious..!?!?!?!...this is going to be amazing!!"i shouted

"it's been such a long time to see them.."Brad said

"yeah..but at least we get to now"Josh said while winking at me

"ahahah i can't wait..!!" i said while hugging Josh..

"what about me..?"Brad complained while opening his arms and getting ready for a hug, so i left Josh and went over to Brad

"much better.."he said while hugging me so tight it hurt and i groaned

"hey..loosen up your hurting her.."Josh said while trying to push Brad off me

"me..hurting her...no.."he said while letting go of me

"i didn't tell you did i.."he said

"no Brad don't..!!!" i shouted trying to cover up his mouth but i couldn't..

"what happened..?" Josh asked concernedly

"nothing much.."i said

"she attacked Sean..she pinned him down to the ground..."Brad said while i puncher his arm

"that's my little sis.."he said with a proud chest...while wrapping his arm around my neck and tugging me so that he could give me a nuggy(nuggy= when the person holding you makes there fingers into fists and mushes up your hair..and skull..)

"not this time"i said under my breath and i wrapped my leg around his..pushed his stomach back and let him lad on the floor..

"well that was a surprise "he said from the floor

Hello there hope your having a wonderful day ;) x

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