Chapter 1 Wolf boy

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I opened my eyes a little and the ray of sunshine that peeked through the blinds hit my face. I groaned as my face burnt. I covered my head with the duvet wanting a little more rest but the growling pain in my stomach kept me fully awake. I stood up and went downstairs. I opened the fridge and grabbed some yogurt. My stomach still had a raging hunger but I had a craving now. For something sweet but metallic. Odd. I crept to the kitchen again slyly, opening the cupboard slowly trying not to make a sound. As I went to grab the blood bag a strong wind blew pass me and held my arms behind my back, I struggled to let my arms free and gave up in the end. I groaned as I met with my mothers disappointed face.

"Naomi, no blood bags before 12". She said.

She let go of my arms. I shook them letting my blood flow. She crossed her arms and regained my attention.

"Mum just one bag please, I'm craving really hard". I stared.

I was begging her with my motioned eyebrows and my glare staring straight into her green eyes. She sighed and leaned her arm against the counter.

"Nims it's the full moon tonight.". She said.

Her voice was filled with care. I could tell she was thinking of my father. My heart sunk a little as I saw her face dropping.

"Right, but you do remember I don't change on the full moon". I said.

I might be soft but that doesn't put of my sarcastic comments. I am half vampire after all so the comment was all sarcastic.

"Yes but you need to be there for the pack Nims, that's what your dad would want". She said.

She paused awkwardly as she mentioned what my father would want. She stared down at her pale hands and I could of sworn I saw her eyes water but I had never seen my mother cry. She was a brave and confident woman. I've always looked up to her even without a father figure I believe I've grown up in a stable environment. I mean I have limited memories of him and us as a family so I can't say I've never had a father.

"I guess so, I'm going to my room". I said.

I didn't like showing my emotions and so often I would walk away from scenes like this. I turned around and began to walk.

"Wait I forgot to tell you there's a new wolf in town". She said calmly, I turned around and flited to her.

"Who?" I said in a nervous tone.

"Tyler, your good friends right? Nobody in his family have the wolf gene the poor boy's probably confused". She said putting her hand on my shoulder, she wanted me to help him.

"Mum, why can't you help him? Just tell him he's a wolf and he's going to turn tonight". I said sarcastically.

Damn Naomi, back at it again with the sarcastic comments.

"I'm a vampire Nims, I can't relate to him whereas you are part werewolf so you can relate, go help him out". She said throwing my leather jacket at me.

"Fine, but only for this week and he's not joining the pack". I said flashing my fangs to my my mother.

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