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DOUBLE UPDATE! Short chapter but something exciting is happening in the next chapter :) also dedicating this chapter to the bae because she's super actively reading yay


The week drags by, the same routine as always. I've been texting Harry for the past couple of days, and discovered that he's extremely sweet, which I semi knew before, he tells terrible jokes, he plays the kazoo and knows how to juggle. The concerts tomorrow, and from talking to Harry virtually for a week, I'm really excited to see him. There's something behind my excitement, something I feel, but I can't quite tell what it is.

Me: what exactly do I wear to this type of thing?

Harry: Dress casual. Jeans and a top.

Me: okay

Harry: You may want to wear a v-neck, most girls do when they meet us.

Me: well that's because all they want is for you to see their cleavage

Harry: And for us to sign there boobs ;)

Me: you're kidding

Me: does that seriously happen?

Harry: You'd be surprised at the amount of times it does

Me: wow okay

Me: totally needed to know that

Harry: Just a heads up :)

Me: i gotta go... see you tomorrow

Harry: Can't wait, x.

I smile at his text, because I can't wait either. Even though I've only hung out with him

twice, the first doesn't even count, there's something in me that really misses his company.

"Get your ass in the shower, Em." Beth yells from her room. She's currently online shopping, with all the money she doesn't own.

"It's only four. I'll shower tonight." I tell her. She's being a little crazy about the whole Harry Styles thing. She's not coming tomorrow, but she wants me to "look like a sexy beast". She ordered me to shave my entire body, wash my hair and my body, then she offered to do my

hair tomorrow.

"Fine. C'mon in here." She shouts from her room, and I walk over to join her on her bed. "How's your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend, Beth." I defend, putting my elbows down and placing my head in between my hands. "I like that." I say, pointing to the shoes on her screen.

"I was thinking the same thing." She clicks add to cart, and her cart already has 17 things in it. "Anyways, you've been texting him like twenty four seven. He obviously likes you."

"First of all, we're just friends. And second, I got out of a serious relationship last week. I'm three thousand percent not ready to date again." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes. "Oh, did I mention that he's extremely famous and I'm just some random girl?"

"Please, you and Aaron were not serious." She sighs, adding a necklace to her cart.

"What's your definition of serious?!" I ask, annoyed, and she shrugs.

"I dunno, but not you and Aaron." She laughs.

"I loved him, Beth."

"I know, but you didn't love him. I'm your best friend, I can tell." She fights. I know she's right, but I don't really understand why she's right. I did love Aaron, I don't know if his definition of love matched mine, but my definition is caring and trusting someone. That's as much love I've ever experienced.

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