t h i r t y - n i n e

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heres chapter thirty nine! enjoy my loves :) leave me some comments if you enjoy any specific parts!


"Alright, so Gem can't come out tonight." Harry tells me, locking his phone and putting it in his pocket. He's been texting her for a while since she was late, and now I guess she's not coming at all.

"Aw, I was looking forward to meeting her." I say, sitting down on Harry's bed.

"Maybe we'll drive up to her tomorrow night or something. You'll meet her, she wants to meet you too." He tells me, sitting down on the bed next to me. He places a hand on my thigh and sighs. "Do you want to go out just us?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm starving though so can we go now?" I ask, and Harry nods. We were waiting for Gemma for about thirty minutes, and it's now seven.

"Wanna walk? There's a few restaurants nearby." Harry says, getting up from the bed. I get up and nod, following him out the bedroom door. "What kind of food do you want?"

"Chinese?" I suggest, and Harry nods.

"Sounds good." He smiles, leading me out the front door.

"So what's up with the whole Liam thing?" I ask, and Harry raises a brow. "I saw his tweet." I explain, and Harry sighs.

"It's just kind of messy right now. I'd like to do solo music, and I know Liam would like to too. It's just a bit complicated, you know?" He tells me, running a hand through his short hair. He then uses his other hand to hold mine.

"How so?"

"I dunno. I just wish I could do some solo music and also stay with the band." He says, pausing for a second. "And everything has changed so much. For god's sake, Louis' got a baby now. We're all just maturing. I'm not the same guy I was six years ago."

When Harry mentions Louis' baby, I get chills. I haven't said anything to Harry- but I'm a few days late. I'm usually always on time with my period, which is why I've been freaking out a bit. I wanted to buy a test before we got here, but there was no time. I have no idea how I'm going to get myself a test in London. I doubt Harry will want me going somewhere alone in a town I've never been to before.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't think about that. I guess it changes a lot now that Louis' got a kid." I say, trying to spark a conversation on Freddie. I just want to know what Harry thinks about having a baby this early.

"It does, I can't even imagine being in his place." He says chuckling a bit, which scares me. "You know I want a family, but I just feel bad for Freddie. Lou's so young, and he's on his way to possibly starting a solo career. Louis barely gonna see his kid if he's touring, you know?"

"Mhm." I say quietly, biting down hard on my lip trying not to freak out. The only thing calming me down is the last time I was late for my period was because of stress. That could be the reason now.

"It just sucks. It's either Freddie growing up with one parent, or Louis' career suffering."


"Here, thank you." Harry says, giving cash to the waiter. He takes a sip of water before grabbing his phone to check the time.

"This was delicious." I say after taking my last bite of my dinner. I was totally in the mood for chinese, and this place was really good.

"I haven't been here in ages, forgot how good it is." He tells me. "Do you want to go a bar or something? It's only 8:45."

"Yeah sure." I smile, and Harry nods. He gets up from the table and I follow as he walks out of the restaurant. He takes my hand in his and holds it as we walk to the bar. It's a small gesture, and I know he does it all the time, but I still get butterflies everytime he holds my hand.

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