t w e l v e

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FINALLy omg im so sorry this took me so long!! school actually started in a way so it was just harder to find time to write! this chapter isn't as good as the next will be, but i still hope you like it! it's a filler chapter basically but it actually has something important in it? idk ill shut up now :) enjoy!


Friday flew by, the whole day was just Beth and I shopping and eating. Once I got home I ate some more food and then I fell asleep.

I roll over to grab my phone and check the time. It's 12:38, and I know I should probably be awake right now. I rub my eyes and open my phone to check Facebook. I scroll through it for a while, check Instagram, scroll through that, and finally get out of bed.

I walk into the kitchen and see Beth sitting on the couch on her phone. I assume she hears me walking, because she turns her head to me. "The one day I wake up early to make you breakfast you don't wake up."

"Aw, you made me breakfast. You're cute." I smile, ignoring her tone. She rolls her eyes, and I open the fridge looking for the food.

"I ate it. You took too long. I think we have waffles so just put them in the microwave." She tells me, and I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"You microwave your waffles? That's disgusting." I laugh, and Beth shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm pretty sure that's the way normal people do it." She tells me, and I laugh again.

"Beth, nobody microwaves their waffles. They get all soggy. Toast them." I say, and Beth mutters something I can't hear. I grab the eggo mini waffles out of the fridge and drop them in the toaster where they belong. I scroll through my instagram while I'm waiting, and when the waffles pop back up I almost drop my phone. I grab a plate and join Beth on the couch.

She's watching Law & Order, one of our favorite shows, so I decide to watch it with her. There's some girl baby snatching at a grocery store in this episode, it's a repeat that I've seen before.

"What are you doing today?" I ask her and she shushes me. They're catching the baby snatcher, and once they do Beth answers me.

"Nothing. Someone needed extra hours for a promotion so their filling in for me today." She tells me.

"You don't want the promotion?" I ask, which causes me to think about the promotion I should be getting. Or that I hope to be getting. I'd assume that I would've been called by now, but I guess waiting a little longer can't hurt.

"Not really. It's longer hours and I'm fine with my pay right now. I wanna quit this job soon anyways, I'm in it for the discounts." She grins, and I roll my eyes. "What are you doin'?"

"I wanted to go to that food truck fair, but it's next week. So nothing I guess." I tell her, and she nods.

"We can just watch a movie or something tonight." She says, and I nod in agreement. I open my phone to check my notes seeing if there's anything I could do the past time.

To do

grocery shopping

eyebrow wax

finish report by wed for julie!!!

buy gift for aarons bday

I frown a little when I see the last thing on my list, because his birthday is this Monday. I had a really nice dinner planned that I completely forgot about.

"What are you looking at?" Beth asks, and then proceeds to snatch my phone. I sigh, as she looks at my list.

"Forget him, Em. You've got Harry now." She smiles, and I give her a light nudge.

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