t w e n t y - f o u r

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We spent majority of the day relaxing. We watched two more movies, took a nap, and now were attempting to cook some dinner.

"There. I told you it was fine." Harry says, pouring the pasta onto the plate.

"Harry it's so buttery! That's disgusting." I pour, and he rolls his eyes.

"It's not too buttery. It's the perfect amount of butter." He disagrees. He stabs his fork into a piece of pasta and eats it. "Delicious."

"You're gross." I mumble, eating a piece of pasta. It doesn't taste bad, but I'm not going to let Harry win.

"See? Not so bad." Harry chuckles.

"It is bad."

"You're lying." Harry smiles, eating some more pasta. "I can tell. I've figured out your lying face."

"I do not have a lying face." I tell him, crossing my arms.

"You do. You try to hold back a smile and your eyes get big." He explains to me, and I roll my eyes.

"You pay way too much attention to me."

"I know." He grins, placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I pretend to be disgusted, wiping off my cheek with the back of my hand, but Harry laughs anyways.

We finish eating shortly, and decide on chocolate ice cream for desert.

"What time is it?" I ask in between bites. I don't have the energy to check my phone.

"Ten. I should probably leave soon..."

"Noo! Stay tonight." I smile, giving him my best puppy eyes. "Pleaseee?"

"Fine." She rolls his eyes, and I get up on my tippy toes to kiss him on the nose. We finish our ice cream, and I'm left completely exhausted from our very relaxing day. If I was alone today it would've been boring, but with Harry nothing's boring.

"I'm sleepy." I tell him, and he nods.

"Me too."

I smile at him, not saying anything for a moment. He licks his lips, and I can't help but stare at him. He's honestly gorgeous. I don't understand why he's with me, but it makes me really happy that he is. I tear my eyes from him, and go to put the dishes in the sink.

Once I finish cleaning, we walk to my bedroom to get ready for bed. He has a toothbrush in his bag, and I tell him to leave it here for the future. I wash my face, brush my teeth and change into pajamas.

I get in bed quickly, and Harry follows me. He turns of the light on the way to my bed, and pulls me close to him once were in bed.

"I missed you a lot." He whispers. His cold breath tickles my ears and gives me the chills. He then kisses above my ear, and I close my eyes with a smile stuck on my face.


I rub my eyes and open them, not seeing Harry anywhere near me. I assume he's in the kitchen getting water or something, because he's not in my bathroom. I get up out of my bed and walk out to the kitchen. He isn't there, but when I look to my right into the living room, I spot him.

"Harry?" I ask, my voice a little groggy. He looks over at me and I see that his eyes are very watery. Concern fills my face and I quickly walk over to sit next to him on the couch. "Harry, whats wrong?"

He mumbles a curse under his breath that I can barely hear. "Nothing, I'm- I'm fine." He replies, obviously lying.

"Don't lie to me." I say, looking down at his hands. He was reading something on his phone and I quickly grab his phone from his hands before he can protest. "You're kidding." I sigh once seeing what he's reading. He's gone through all the tweets with my name in them, and once I check his search history I see him checking his own mentions.

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