t h i r t y - t w o

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yay! posting chapter 32. it's in a new pov, which is exciting, but just lmk your thoughts on it! <3 love you all! 



Mum: Just landed. Be there soon. Luv u very much.

Niall: See ya soon.

Mum: I'm very glad you're okay, Ni. See you soon. x

As I start to text back to my mum, my phone screen changes, letting me know I have a call from Emma.

"Hey, what's up?" I answer, pressing the phone to my ear. I relax back into my hospital bed, trying not to hurt my arm.

"Hey, uh, how are you feeling?" She asks, sounding a little eager. She's either very concerned for my health, or has something to talk about. I'm gonna go with the second choice.

"I'm alright. Me mum's on her way over. I'll have some company." I tell her, and she sighs.

"Okay good." She says, and gets quiet for a little. I wait for her to say what's on her mind, and soon enough, she does. "I know you probably shouldn't tell me anything, but-uh, what has Harry said about me? If anything? Is he completely done with me?" She asks, and gulps after she finishes.

Bros over hoes. Probably shouldn't say anything.

"Emma, what are you talkin' about?" I ask, lying. I know exactly what she's talking about. Harry told me how he left Emma when she was gonna start things up again. I don't blame him though, no offense to Emma. He took the breakup extremely rough, blaming himself and beating himself up for it. He's gotten better, and he just wanted closure I guess.

"Does he still love me?" She asks quietly, her voice slightly breaking towards the end. I swear, people crying is my weakness.


"No, I'm serious. Is he over me? Like that? I know I fucked up, Niall, but I just kind of assumed he would want to try again. And I guess I shouldn't assume, but I love him. And I thought he would understand why I did it, fuck. I sound like an idiot." She babbles. "I miss him so fucking much. I should've never ended things."

And she begins to cry.


"Emma, he still loves you. Maybe just give him time." I tell her, trying to comfort her, even though I probably shouldn't have just said that.

"Time? He shut me down, he rejected me. What's going to change in time?" She asks, hiccuping slightly at the end. She's still crying, and I feel like shit for not being able to help her.

"He just found out the reason why you ended it. He needs to think it through."

"Is it that bad? I should've thought things through more, It was an impulse breakup. I was freaking out, and he showed up, and- fuck. He's done with me." She cries, and I sigh. "I can't believe this is happening. You know I called, Niall. It's not like I'm just randomly trying to fix this."

"You called him?" I ask, clearing my voice. Harry never told me anything about Emma calling him. He just moped around upset all the time.

"Like a bajillion times." She says, laughing lightly, but still crying. "He never answered any of my calls."

"He was hurt." I say, trying to defend Harry. Don't really know why he didn't call her back.

"So was I! The break-er-upper is allowed to be upset too."

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