e i g h t e e n

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i've been EXTREMELY busy and had 0 time over break to do like anything :(! im back in school now (writing at school rn) and my homework isn't too bad so i'll have time to write. in about three weeks im going to mexico for one week so im not sure how writing is gonna work out. i might write on my phone at the beach or something but im going to be with my whole family (immediate and distant) so i'll be pretty busy! maybe i'll pre-write some chapters for then :)!



I wake up next to Harry, who is awake. I groan and rub my eyes, wanting to be asleep again. He puts his phone on my nightstand and rolls over to face me, smiling.

"Good morning." He grins and kisses my forehead. We had gone back to my apartment last night because it was way closer to the event and I was exhausted. I didn't have any clothes for Harry to borrow, because I thought it would be a little weird to give him Aaron's old clothes that are still here, so Harry slept in a pair of my old sweatpants. I smile, then rub my eyes again.

"I'm gonna go get some water. Do you want some?" I ask him, and he shakes his head. I walk out of my bedroom, seeing Beth in the kitchen.

"Can we talk now?" She asks as I grab a pitcher of water out of the fridge. I suddenly remember that she needed to tell me something yesterday, but I was in a hurry so I didn't let her.

"Yeah, sure." I smile, pouring water for myself.

"So a couple months ago I applied for this art program just for fun because I knew I'd never get it. But yesterday I got a letter saying that I did get in and it's this huge opportunity and-"

I cover my mouth and immediately interrupt Beth by hugging her. "That's amazing Beth!" She hugs me back, then gently pushes me back.

"It's in Italy." She says, biting her lips. My face drops, but I still try to keep a smile. "And I'm gonna go."

I nod, wanting to cry inside. "When do you leave?" I ask, hearing my voice crack a little bit. I don't want to make her feel bad by crying, so I just hold it in.

"One week." She grins, and I fake a smile. That's one week for me to get a new job to pay rent or find a new roommate. "I'll pay rent for like three months though so you can get back on your feet." She instantly makes me feel a little better, and it's a little weird how she sort of knew what I was thinking. "It's a six month program."

"I'm really happy for you." I tell her, forcing another smile. She grins and hugs me for a while.

"I have to go right now though, I'm meeting my mom for brunch." She tells me, and I nod.

"Have fun." I respond, wanting to cry so badly. She smiles and walks out of our door, and the second it closes I start crying. I sit myself down on the floor, my back against the fridge and just cry. My best friend is leaving, which is the worst part of this all, but it just makes me think of all the shitty things that have happened to me. I have no job, which means no way to pay rent. I'd probably have to move back in with my mom and Sofia.

I sit here crying for a while. My knees are pulled up so I rest my head on them and cry comfortably. I don't realize how much time it's been, and completely forget that Harry's in my bedroom, that is until he's not. I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, knowing it's Harry.

I lift my head out of my knees, probably looking like a mess, and look up at Harry. His hands were only on my shoulders for a second, because he's standing up. He looks sad, and has his hands out for me to grab onto so he can pull me up. I hold onto his hands as he easily pulls me up, and quickly moves his hands to hold me. I'm not really crying anymore, just sniffling.

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