f o u r t y - n i n e

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ATTENTION: please please please read the authors note at the end of this chapter!! important for this story :))


I open my eyes and instantly feel a pounding in my head. My eyes feel heavy and everything hurts. Then memories of last night flood in. Well, a few memories flood in. Most of last night I can't remember at all, which makes me sick to my stomach. I hate blacking out, and every time I think about not remembering something I want to cry. I look to my left to make sure my memories aren't wronging me, and sure enough Harry's home, in bed right next to me.

I remember crying in the bathroom and him holding me, but after that I don't remember a single thing. I feel horrible for what I put him through last night and I know he must have been so confused all night. I know I still need to talk to him and let all of my thoughts out, but I certainly got all my emotions from the past for weeks out last night.

I sit up in the bed and a wave of intense nausea hits me. I get up quickly and run to the bathroom- which makes my head pound even more- and instantly throw up into the toilet.

I grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe my mouth before tying my hair into a low ponytail. There's no way in fuck that I'm done throwing up, in fact I only feel worse.

I sit on my knees waiting to puke again, and soon enough I'm throwing up again. This spew is particularly long, and my eyes water due to the feeling of not being able to breathe.

"Hey, you okay?" A raspy Harry appears behind me and I turn to face him with watery eyes and heavy breathing. His face is sympathetic, and he quickly gets down on his knees to my level. I shake my head and he sighs, putting a hand on my back.

"I'm gonna throw-"

I'm interrupted with another rush of vomit and God, do I feel disgusting.

"Let it out." He says quietly, rubbing my back. "You're alright, love."

Once I think I'm done I flush the toilet and sink down against the wall.

"I've never had a hangover like this." I bury my head into my hands feeling disgusting and horrible.

"Em, what happened last night? I was so fucking scared."

I lift my head slowly and shake my head. "Would you get me some ibuprofen and water and we can talk downstairs?"

He nods his head but doesn't get up. "You know I love you, right?" He looks sad and I hate that I made him feel so worried and concerned, but then again he made me feel sad and lonely for the past month.

"I know, I was really drunk last night."

"Why were you drinking so much?"

I look at him and his eyes soften. "We'll talk downstairs."

"Now you're making me nervous. Are you-"

"I'm fine, Harry." I get up and he looks up at me with his sad little puppy eyes. "Just go down to the kitchen."

He nods and gets up, running a hand through his now slightly longer hair. He looks at me for a second and then walks out.

I grab some mouthwash and swish it around in my mouth before putting my hair up into a high ponytail and walking downstairs.

"Here." He hands me a glass of water and then puts two pills in my hand. I quickly pop them in my mouth and then drink the water before sitting on one of the island stools.

"Thank you."

"What's going on, Emma?" There's concern washed all over his face and I know he's scared.

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