f i f t y - o n e

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february 1st, 2018

9:56 pm


I grab a handful of popcorn from the bowl resting in Harry's lap, and pop it into my mouth.  I rest my head on his shoulder and relax for a few minutes before his phone rings and startles me.

He grabs his phone out of his pocket and groans when he sees the name.

"Take it." I tell him, and he raises a brow. "I need to pee anyways."

He sighs and answers the phone, making small talk as he walks out of the living room. I grab my phone from the coffee table and walk over to the bathroom. I do my business and then walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I head back to the living room and plop down onto the couch letting out a breath of air. After another minute or two, I hear Harry's groan and sigh, followed by footsteps back to the living room.

"That didn't sound good." I look up at Harry with raised eyebrows. He has a bit of a distraught look on his face and it worries me. "And your face doesn't look to good either."

"Em," He sighs. "I just don't wanna make you sad."

I don't really say anything, I just keep his stare.

"I'm going away for a month. Like a, um... A writers retreat type thing."


"I wrote some great stuff in London, like really great. But when I got back it all kinda went away and my manager, the label- everyone just thinks I need to get away."

"From me?" I bite down on the inside of my mouth, trying not to show how sad this makes me. I love him so much and I hate it when he's away.

"No, of course not Emma." He runs a hand through his hair and I sympathize, I do. I know he doesn't want to make me upset and it must be hard because this is his career. And I shouldn't be holding him back.

"Tour is in two months, when would you even be going?"

"The twelfth."

"Of... of February?" I raise my eyebrows, shocked. Thats literally in eleven days. ELEVEN DAYS.


"No, no. I'm fine, Harry." I tell him, and he looks unconvinced. "I am, Harry. If it's good for your career, then you're happy and then I'm happy. I promise." I'm not lying, of course I'm glad he's doing this for his career but I can still be a little sad about it.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll miss you." I get up off the couch and give him a hug. He kisses to top of my head and holds me tightly. "You're gonna miss my birthday."

"I'll work extra hard to make sure that doesn't happen."  He says, and I smile even though he can't see it.

February 10th, 2018


"Do you really need that shirt?"

"Why does it matter?" Harry asks in defense, beginning to fold the t-shirt to put it in his suitcase.

"I wanna wear it." I smile, yanking it from his hands. No way in hell Harry's bringing my favorite sleep shirt.

Harry chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Fine, hand me the rolling stones shirt." I do as he says and rummage through his dresser before grabbing it and throwing it to him.

"I don't wanna stay in this big house alone for a month. I don't even know how to set the alarm." I groan, grabbing a pair of his shorts and folding them.

"You don't know how to set the alarm?" He jerks his head up with concern on his face. "You need to know how to set the alarm, Emma. I've shown you like a thousand times."

"I know, I just never pay attention."

He gives me a glare. "You know that people do know where I live." I nod. "I'll show you again after we finish packing, okay?"


"And as for the whole 'big house' thing, I'm expecting you to be looking for our new place." He grins up at me.

"I don't even know what to look for." I smile down at the floor. I love that were gonna buy a house together, it makes so jittery and happy every time I think about it.

"I don't want big. Do you?"

"Not this big. What's your idea of big, though?

"Nobody needs nine bedrooms. Thats big." He sighs. "I don't know, how long do you think we'd live there?"

"How am I supposed to know." I tease and he shakes his head with a smile.

"I mean, like... do you wanna move somewhere where we'd possibly start a family, or move somewhere sized for just us two?"

My stomach gets a fluttery and I feel my cheeks burn. I bury my face into my hands trying to hide my smile and rosy cheeks from Harry.

"What?" He chuckles.

"I just never thought I'd be deciding these kinds of things at twenty three." I look up at Harry, resting my chin on my hands.

"Do you not want to? I don't wanna freak you out talking about the future and all this-"

"Stop." I smile, scooting over closer to him. "I'm not freaked out. I'm very, very, very happy." I kiss his cheek.

"Alright then, so?"

"I feel like..." I break out a small smile. "God, this is so weird to say." I take in a deep breath. "I feel like— okay, well, let's say I get pregnant." He smiles. The fact that that's his reaction to our hypothetical baby makes me want to scream 'OH MY GOD IMPREGNATE ME NOW'. But I don't. "I think having move homes while pregnant would be very stressful. For both of us."

"So, five-ish bedrooms?" He grins. I nod. "I want somewhere private, obviously that's important."

"And a view. That's important too." I smile, folding some more of his clothes before placing it in the suitcase.

"And a pool would be nice. Maybe a gym too."

"What's your price limit?"

He looks up at me and shakes his head. "Whatever we like, we'll get. I don't care about the price."


"What? I really don't, Emma. Whatever makes us happy."

"It just makes me feel weird. I know you don't care, but-"

"No buts. Emma, don't you think that I'd know by now if you wanted me for my money?" He chuckles, and I roll my eyes. I just hate how it makes me feel, being so financially dependent on him. It's different than it was a few months ago when I didn't have my own job, but still, I obviously don't make enough for a  meaningful contribution to a house thats several million.

"It's just weird. But okay," I take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. "No price limit."

"I'll be looking while I'm away, alright? And you will be too."


"Were gonna find the perfect home." He grins. "Right now it just kinda feels like I'm staying here, doesn't feel like home."

"We'll make a home together, sound good?" I grin back, placing my hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer. I press my lips to his and just feel an explosion of emotions, mostly just pure happiness.

"Sounds good."



PLEASE READ: would anybody be interested in a harry fic (au) set in highschool? wouldn't be cliche, just super realistic and what high school is! sometimes writers write high school like those tv shows that get it super super super wrong. comment if this is something youd read!

if you enjoyed this chapter-- VOTE, COMMENT & LET me know what you'd like to see in the future for this fic!


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