t h i r t y - t h r e e

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"I don't know. I guess we're done." I sigh, trying not to cry in front of Beth. We only video chat so often, and I don't want to ruin it with my sappiness.

"Emmy, don't think that way. I hate that I'm not there for you right now." Beth sighs, then pouts. I miss her an insane amount, and I also hate that she's not here. Her watch beeps, and Beth rolls her eyes. "Fifteen minutes until I have to leave."

"Alright, then I'll stop complaining about my sad excuse of a life." I chuckle, and Beth smiles. "How's Italy? And Sebastian?"

"Yeah, that's over." Beth laughs, scratching her head. "It turns out he's a jackass. But it's alright, I wasn't really looking for a fling on this trip. The art though, it's insane."

"Yeah, I've seen all over your facebook." I chuckle, and she grins.

"This trip is amazing, Em. I wish you were here with me." She gushes, smiling. "If it weren't for you, I'd never want to come home."

"Speaking of home, where exactly is your home now?" I ask. We haven't talked too much about the whole moving situation, and I don't want her coming home homeless.

"Alright, you're gonna hate me." She smiles curiously, pulling the neck of her sweater up to cover her mouth. "I've been texting Evan." She mumbles.

"Beth!" I say, raising my voice, sounding a little condescending.

"I know, I know!" She sighs. "It's just he offered, you know? And I need somewhere to stay, otherwise it's back to Keith and Margo." She groans, talking about the parents she hates.

"Beth, you can't keep going back to him." I tell her, and she sighs again.

"Just for a little. I promise." She says, and I raise a brow. "I promise, Em. Before you know it you'll find a job and we'll be living together. Or even better, you and Harry will."


"Just saying. That'd be the best situation, right? You'd be back together. And it's gonna happen." Beth tells me, and I roll my eyes. "You have to do something, you know? Show up to his house, talk it out."

"He has an insane amount of security. There's no way I could just walk up to his door without him knowing it was me. Plus, he's probably back in London." I tell her, giving myself reasons not to talk to Harry.

"You'll figure something out." She says, smiling. "But in the meantime, you should focus on you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise a brow, acting a little offended.

"Well, you know, just figuring out your own stuff. You're jobless, which means you've got a shit ton of time to yourself. Do something with it." She smiles.

"Like what?"

"Uhh..." Beth bites her lip in thought and then nods her head. "Okay, I'm gonna email you this coupon I got the other day. It's for a spin class, you'd like it. You can get all your Harry anger out." She chuckles, and I roll my eyes.

"I don't have 'Harry anger', Beth." I tell her, and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay, sent it. It's a Saturday, they usually have classes, you should go today." Beth tells me. "And don't say no, I know you have nothing better to do."

"Maybe." I tell her, smiling.

Beth looks to her left, and I hear someone elses voice talking to her. I can't understand what she's saying thought. "Shit, Em, I gotta go."

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