Chapter 3: Im right here

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IMPORTANT TO NEW READERS: If you are just now reading this you will probably get confused during this chapter but before i edited the story a little yn had a sister but now she doesnt.


Jadens POV

I went into the room and saw this little girl singing

Jaden- ummmmm

????- (screams)

Jaden- shhhh srry I didn't mean to scare u

????- (calming down) its okay

Jaden- I'm Jaden I just moved in next door

?????- oooo yea I guess in supposed to be downstairs. I'm Sydnee

Jaden- o nice to meet u

Syd- u too bye


(A/n hahahaha y'all thought it was YN huh)

Your POV

You- mom!!! U scared me!!!

Ym- sorry sweety and the neighbors there so come on

You- ok.

I was walking downstairs in a blue Cookie Monster high-low shirt that said "me no handle all these cookies" and some white ripped jeans with some blue converse. When to my surprise I saw Jaden.... Wait... JADEN HECK NO HE CAN'T B OUR NEIGHBOR. 😱

Jadens POV

Mrs.Yln said that her daughter will b down any second now. She said she goes to my school maybe I know her. I heard the steps creak and a faint gasp. I looked to my right and I saw YN. And did she look smexy.

Your POV

ym- Jaden, Marie, this is YN my daughter and Sydnee.

You- u-umm h-hi 👋

Ym- okaayyy well come in let's go eat.

You guys go and eat and u and Jaden sit in awkward silence until u both here something y'all weren't expecting.

Ym- O yea ur going on that trip to. I think my husband has to be somewhere also. And Sydnee are gonna be gone to a camp so Yns gonna b alone

Marie- Jaden will be alone too

Ym- so jadens gonna b alone to huh? Maybe he can stay over here with YN so they can get to know each other more and make sure they don't get into trouble.

You and Jaden both chock on your water. Y'all's parents don't see or hear you guys.

Marie -yea sounds like a plan. So Jaden tomorrow bring one of your suitcases over here cuz you'll b over here while I'm on a trip this week with (ym) ok? Ok

Jaden- u-umm ok😦

Ym- so YN be nice alright

You- ok 😑

~~~~~Next day before school~~~~

Ym-alright YN I'm leaving there is about 7k on the counter for food for u n jaden. He will be your ride to skool so he'll be here soon. Be nice love u 😘

You- love u too ☺

10mins later

Jaden walks in

Jaden- hey.... Dannnnggggg.....

You- wat😕

Jaden- u look.. Beautiful

You- (blushes) thnx you dont look to bad yourself.

Jaden- I know. We got about 30 mins how bout we chill

You- sounds good

Y'all sit in the couch for a While watching tv in silence until Jaden speaks up

Jaden-so wat r we gonna do this week

You- Idc ig anything would b fine

Jaden- how we go see a movie after skool

You- umm ok

Jaden- cool come in let's go before we r late

You- okey dokey

Y'all ride up to the school and head inside

Jaden- see u later ok

You- alrighty

As u turn around Jaden quickly pulls u back to him and hugs u then lets go and runs the opposite way. You chuckle to urself and then start walking to class. You get in there and notice that Jaden hasn't made it yet and start to worry if he knows where he is going so u ask the teacher if u can go look for him and she says yes so u start walking all around the skool until u hear banging on the lockers and yelling. You turn the corner and c Jaden getting beat up by ????

You- stop (u pull ??? Of Jaden and tell Jaden to go)

????- hey babe 😏


Derrick- girl calm down its ok (hands starts to trail down ur body )

You- (getting uncomfortable) stop plz don't touch me

Derrick- (pins u against the lockers) I won't hurt u babe it's alright (starts pulling up ur shirt)

You- Derrick please STOP ur hurting me let go (starts crying)

Derrick- STFU b*tch (starts to unzip ur pants)

you- (starts crying) JADEN HELP MEEE!!!!!

Derrick- (slaps u and grand ur 😿 forcibly) he ain't gonna save u

Just then something hit Derrick in the back of the head making him loose conscious and fall to the floor reviling Jaden with a textbook.

You- (crying) J-j-Jaden (gets up and runs to him)

Jaden- it's alright I'm right here(hugs u and lets u cry into his shoulder for a while) lets go ill take u home

You- b-but wat about s-s-school

Jaden- I'm gonna swing by the office and tell them that I have to take u home ok?

You- (nod ur head)

Jaden- ok come on

~~~~~~~~~back at home~~~~~~~~

U feel asleep in the car so Jaden carried u into ur room and sits u on the bed

Jaden- there u go (kisses ur cheek)

You- (starts to wake up) Jaden


You- can we umm 😶 cuddle.

Jaden-😳 ummm

You- not like a couple or anything I just need to be held right now 😔

Jaden-yea come on (pats the place on the bed next to him)

You get up and sit right in his lap and put ur head in his chest feelin his heart beating really fast causing yourself to chuckle

Jaden- 😳ummm are u comfortable 😏

You- shut up ☺

Jaden puts his arms around ur waist and y'all lay on the bed u til y'all fall asleep.


Like? Srry I took so long and srry if it isn't good but here's anther part

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