Chapter 13: The party

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Jadens POV Thank The Lord it is Saturday I'm just gonna chill with YN today Actually I think I'm gonna mess with her a bit. 😏 Your POV It's SATURDAY babyyyy It feels so good to sleep in so LNG it's like 2:30. I'm real glad I don't have to go to school and see those ratchet people. 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 I was laying in bed with my eyes closed when I felt something get on top of me and kiss down my neck. (I cant lie it felt great) I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jaden hovering over me smirking down at me. You- what r u d-doing Jaden- shhh He kept kissing my neck swirling his tongue around and smirking against my skin. I figured it could only b a dream so I held his head and moaned as he did it. But that's when I heard Jaden chuckle and I realized it hadn't been a dream and I just made a fool of myself. So I pushed him off of me and scooted all the way back to the head board of my bed. Jaden- 😂😂😂😂 I'm guessing u liked it You-😳 I-I thought.... 😂 Naawww I'm dreaming Jaden- 😏 yea this is a dream so come on back over here U crawl back towards him and push him down on the bed and start to kiss him down his neck and start to his abs licking them one by one all the way down. He starts to groan and that's when u look up at him and smile You- that'll only happen in your 'dreams' Jaden- 😳 DANG. Wait so u dd that even tho you knew it wasn't a dream You- 😏 Jaden- 😮ooo lil YN is a freak You- only when I need to be😉 You got out from under the covers, out of the bed, and beggin to walk into the bathroom when Jaden stops u. He spins u back around and towards him. Jaden- so I don't get a good morning You- ..... Jaden- don't make me punish you 😏 You- 😮I'm sooo scared And with that Jaden started to kiss up and down ur neck and shoulder. His touch sent shivers down ur spine and he smirked when he realized this and whispered in ur ear Jaden- don't hold the moans in You-.....p-please s-st-top Jaden kept kissing and licking up and down ur neck. You kept ur moans in for a while but u soon caved in You-(moaning) j-Jaden.... Jaden- that's not my name You- (moans and starts breathing real hard) j-Jaden plz s-stop Jaden- (whispers in ur ear) y you like it don't you You- .... Please Jaden before i..... Jaden- 😳😏 just do it ill clean u up You- Jaden please (starts tearing up) Jaden notices and quickly backs up off of u Jaden- I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry I wont(gco) You cut him off by laughing and he looks at you dumbfounded, realizes what u did, but then smirks at you causing you to look down at urself and smirk while slightly blushing. Jaden- YN what r u wearing You look down at urself and back at Jaden smirking. You- it was hot so I stripped down to my spandex shorts and a sports bra.I mean you sleep shirtless and I sleep like this. Is this a problem? Jaden- No. not. at. all.(bites his lip) You- (blushing and giggling) your gonna make your lip bleed And with that u walk into the bathroom to do your higene stuff and Jadens just bites his lip and looks at ur a$$ bounce as u walk into the bathroom. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 When u get out of the bathroom and finish dressing u get a text Text convo Jj 😍✌- hey I heard there's gonna be a party tonight wanna go with me Sexy mami😘👅- YESSS 🙌 when is it Jj 😍✌- I think at 10 Sexy mami😘👅- ok. Where r u ? Jj😍✌- out gettin some food from Arbys u want any Sexy mami😘👅- yess plzzz in starving. I think u know wat I want Jj😍✌- kk be there in a sec Convo over After about 10 minutes later Jaden walked in the house with a bag of Arby's. he got yours out for you and called you downstairs. You ran all the down almost falling but before u could Jaden caught you and helped you balance yourself. He chuckled at your clumsiness and u playfully punched his arm. Jaden- here you go mami You- hehe ☺ thanks so much You kiss Jaden on the cheek and he blushes. Jaden- umm no problem Y'all ate while watching tv. Whenever y'all got done he took your trash and came back to the couch to continue watching tv with you. You laid ur head on his shoulder Jaden- did you wanna do anything until the party. You- umm.... I wanna go to the PARK!!!!(you start jumping up and down like a little kid) Jaden- (laughs) alright come on He held his hand out for you and you shyly took it. Y'all walked to the park talking about how close y'all have gotten over the past few weeks. When you get to the park you run around sliding and swinging on the monkey bars for a while until you see the swings You- swings!!! You ran over to the swings and plead for Jaden to push you You- j come push me PLEASSSSE Jaden- 😂ok ok I'm coming He pushes you for a bit and you giggle and lay your head back the whole time. Jaden walks around to in front of you Jaden- hey come on we better get going so you can get ready. You- nooooo 🙅 Jaden- YNnnn come on (pushes his lip out) You- (caves in) fine. Catch me You jump out of the swing and into Jadens arms laughing. He starts spinning you around laughing then he puts you down. Your arms were draped around his neck and his hands on ur waist. You two inches closer and closer. You could feel his slightly heavy breath on your lips for a split second before his lips crashed into yours. Y'all's lips moved swiftly in sync.he but your bottom lip softly and you giggled causing him to smile against your lips and then he pulled away causing your lip to make a popping sound. You placed your forehead on his and he looked down at you (him being taller than you) and smiled slightly Your POV Damn his lips were so soft and he was so gentle I never wanted to pull away from that kiss. I really do think he is gonna be the one that changes me I think I might love him. Jadens POV Damn I've waited so long to kiss her. Her lips tasted like strawberries. I never wanted that to end but we were in a public park and if it would have continued we could have gotten kicked out. If you know what I mean. I think I might actually love this girl. She different from all the others Jaden- you don't know how long I've waited to taste your lips You- ☺ your lips are so soft. Omg did I just say that out loud 😳 Jaden- it's ok I feel the same. Come on let's go get ready for the party. You- umm ok You two held hands all the way back home an he intertwined his fingers into yours. When you got home he told you to go get ready an you did and so did he. You took a shower and went into your closet. Your POV I'm gonna look sexy for him so I can get us out of this ''zone' that we r in. That kiss showed me tht maybe I can trust him. I decided to wear some short light green shorts and a tight crop top that said "kiss my a$$" I smiled at myself as I looked in the mirror. I flat ironed my hair and put on a light coated of mascara and lip gloss. (I don't cake make up on like all these other hoes incase your were wondering.) " you better come in before we are late" Jaden yelled to me upstairs "boy shut up. Msfts are never late nor early they get there when they mean to get there" I yelled back at him and he chuckled Jaden- whatever just come on and get your nice a$$ down here I giggled at his comment and walked downstairs. His jaw dropped and he started to droll almost at you You- what?!? Do I need to wear something else. You started to panic and make your way back upstairs. But his strong hands pulled you back gently Jaden- NO!!! Wait you look... DAMN You- (giggle) thanks. And you look pretty damn yourself Jaden- thank ya thank ya very much You- 😂 come on Y'all arrived at the party and could hear the loud music from inside the car. Y'all got out and walked into the HUGE house. The dirt place you went was to the bar. You have a shot of vodka and before you could ask for another one Jaden came over and stopped you. You whined for a second but Immedently f**kin problems came on. You pulled Jaden out to the dance floor and you started to dance Jaden hesitated but eventually took ur hips and danced with you. You turned around and started twerking on him while he was girnding on you. Y'all were having fun as friends and no you were not drunk... Yet. You turned back around facing him and smiled at him and walked off back to the bar. He followed behind you but lost sight of you becuz some gurl started twerking on him. You saw and got a little angry but shook it off and had a couple more shots of something. You walked back to the dance floor and started dancing with some other drunk person. He was roughly grinding on you but you were to drunk to notice. He smacked your a$$ hard and put his hand on your waist. You kept rolling your butt on him. He puck his hands on your waist but they started to travel a little to low for your comfort even if you were drunk. But before you could push away from him he squeezed your 😼 hard and you turned around to kick him in the crotch. He yelped in pain but the music flooded him out. And with that ur walked away from him bumping into someone You- sorry... Jerome?!?! Jerome- yn?!? You- (ran to him an hugged him tight) OMG I can't believe you are here I missed you Jerome- (hugs back and chuckles). Miss you too You- (get off of him and don't drop that thun thun came on) lets dance Jerome- ok Y'all start dancing on each other and laughing. The song ends and you get a text from Jaden Text convo Jj😍✌- where r you are you ok?!? I just saw Derrick. We need to go now Sexy mami😘👅- Jaden I ddont wannna go yer Jj😍✌- YN are you drunk!?! I'm coming to find you Sexy mami😘👅- I'm bot drunkk Jaden Jj😍✌- were r you Sexy mami😘👅- with Jerome having sex Jj😍✌- WAT?!? Meet me outside NOW!!! Sexy mami😘👅- gosh I das just kiddinggf but okey dikey Convo over You- I gotta go Jerome text me You gave Jerome a kiss on the cheek and wobbled outside. To meet Jaden by his car. You- j(hiccup) Jaden Jaden- GET IN THE CAR NOW ???- that's no way to talk to a lady ???? started to walk toward ya. Your vision was blurry and the person came In and out of focus but just a u could see who it was Jaden pulle u into the car and ran into the drivers side and sped off. You- j who was that Jaden- DO NOT TALK TO ME You- 😳😞ok The drive back home was short but seemed like forever. When y'all got there he took you to the bathroom and right then you barfed into the toilet. Jaden held you hair out of your face and got on his knees with you. Jaden- r u ok now You- (fall back into his chest). Yea I think so I'm sorry if I upset you I did t actually have sex with anybody I was jus(gco) Jaden- ik I was just scared that Derrick could have gotten you You- o ok thanks. Jaden- come on you need to go to bed You- (hiccups) ok Jaden tucked you in and layed next to you. Your POV Thank god for Jaden. I'm glad I didn't cross paths with Derrick I wonder who that rude man was tho... No it couldn't be ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ Sorry it took so long but here you guys go Comment and vote👇👇👇

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