Chapter 22: The Question

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I got up extra early today and decided to go to the community pool and take a fast morning swim.

I swim all the time when I'm stressed out or unsure about something. It helps me forget and relax

I was the only one there so I blasted some music also, looking for anything other than a love song.

Ginuwine- Differences. ❎Love

Maxwell- Pretty Wings. ❎Love

Mariah Carey- We Belong Together ❎nope LOVE

Trey Songz- Fumble ❎ NOHHH

Y can't I find a flippin song that's not strictly about love URGGHHH

I flipped through my songs some more until finally a song came on that I love and couldn't pass up....

Tank- Compliment💞


After about a small 30 min swim I got out and went home to take a shower and go to school.

I decided to go to school with Eden because I don't know if I can face Jaden right now...

Jaden was upstairs getting ready so I left a note and left with Eden. After I left I realized that there was really no point to try and avoid him since I have a bunch of periods with him including first. 💆

Jadens POV

After I got ready I went downstairs and saw a note on the table.


I have to get there a little earlier so I left with Eden.


I shrugged my shoulders and threw it away not thinking anything about it and drive to school.

Whenever I got to school I went by Yns locker where we normally meet up and talk but she wasn't there. She doesn't have any clubs or problems with her grades so I wonder what's wrong...



I walked into class and sat in my seat in the far back and just as the bell rang Jaden came in and sat down smiling at me. I pushed everything into the back of my head and smiled back.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah I just had to help Eden with something for Mrs. Ashcraft"

"Oh okay."

"Hey jaden?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For...being different"

"What do you mean?"

"I-... nothing. And yes I'm sure"

He smiled and nodded and kissed my cheek right as the bell rang and class started. "I love you"


After I forgot about everything the day went by pretty fast.

I went to my locker to drop off my books and get ready to leave. Jaden wasn't by my locker today so I went to his instead thinking maybe he was just let out late or something. Boy was I wrong.

When I got to his locker the same girl that had threatened me in the bathroom was up against him sucking his face off. I quickly pressed my back against the lockers so they couldn't see me. My body felt numb and began to tremble and I could feel the tears building up as I heard the words replay in my head:

thanks for... being different

of course. I love you

I love you

I love you

I shouldn't have trusted him. He is no different.

no maybe she threw herself onto him and he had nothing to do with it. yeah maybe that's what happened. She would probably do something like that. Maybe Jadens not at fault her.

In the middle of my mental argument I heard Jaden yell.

"What is wrong with you don't kiss me. I told you we have been over for a while now and I have a girlfriend, so don't kiss me ever again."

"but J bab-"

"NO. N-O."

"whatever you'll come around."

I heard her heels click less and less as she walked away. I turned back to look down the row of lockers when I came face to chest with Jaden.

"Shoot yn..."

"I'm sorry- I- you -locker -kiss her-"

"I didn't kiss her she came on to me. I promise"

I nodded my head. "I know I heard."

He hugged me and whispered in my ear. "Thank goodness you saw it all this time. "

I smiled and pulled away. "Can we go home now please?"



When we got home Jaden and I just chilled and watched old shows and movies on the couch.

Jaden got up and said he was gonna go hang with some friends so I was left alone at the house like a loner when I got a text from Jerome:

J- hey babygirl

YN- hey Romeo

J- wyd

YN- nm

J- wanna hang out like old times again?


J-ok meet up at the tree house in 20 minutes.


J-luv ya😘

YN- luv ya too😘

I'm still kind of unsure about my feelings by I know I can't just shut them out until I figure out who I like and on top of that Jerome might not even like me like that.

Oh well. I got ready and walked outside to my car. It looked darker than normal outside and it was kind of cloudy but I paid no attention to it.

10 minutes later I pulled up to the woods, swinging on the tope tied onto the tree and walking deeper into the woods came into view.

I climbed up the ladder and walked over to Jerome sitting on the little couch and hugging him.

"So what's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to hang out and catch up better than we did last time. "

"Oh ok. "

We were talking when I heard it thunder. I squealed and started to shake. Jerome looked at me with cautious eyes.

"YN what's-"

Another clap of thunder erupted and I jumped and tarted to cry. I cradled my legs in my arms and listened to the storm outside. I could see the flashes of lightning against the flooring which reminded me even more.

I felt someone wrapped there arms around me and I started to scream and cry even harder feeling just like a did a couple or so years ago. "GET OFF OF ME!!! LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE! NO STOP NO NO NOOOO!"

"Shh YN it's just me Jerome. Shhh it's gonna be alright. Romeos got you."

I was still shaking and crying but I was brought back to present time and realized where I was. Jerome was soothing me and trying to calm me down and then that's when I heard the question I knew I would have to answer when this stopped.

"Shh. What happened to you yn?"

I don't know if I'm ready to tell anyone What am I gonna say?


I'm sooo srry please don't hate me but I've been real busy.

Here's the chapter I tried to make it long but it would have taken even longer so I just kept it like this.



Peace homies ✌

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