Chapter 27: Confessions ||Part 1||

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"Yn hold up."

I turned around too see Sydnee right behind me; knowing I could trust her, I stopped, letting her catch up to me. Once she got closer to me she looked me in the eyes before pulling me into a hug.

"Yn I love you and everything but this has got to stop. You know you can't keep running away from your problems. I can see your hurt and it kills me to see you this way, but you can't live like this anymore. Yn you have locked yourself in a guest room. You haven't even tried to talk to me about what had happened. Nothing. What happened to telling each other everything so we never had to go through something alone."

When she said that I looked up from my hands and up at my best friend, the girl that is always known as the strong girl but is actually very sensitive and broken. Tear streaked her cheek mans millions of unshed tears invaded her eyelids.

"I'm so sorry."

"Come on we are going back to your house and everyone is going to confess. Jaden, Derrick, and even you have so confessing to do."

"Ok. Wait Jerome needs to meet us there too, he still has some explaining to do himself."

"Alright I will text him."

"No actually I think I wanna talk to him real quick just us two. And then we will meet you guys back at my house, okay?"

"Ok... We will be at the house then. don't back out either, if your not at your house after an hour I'm coming to find you. "

I laughed a little and nodded. We both walked separate, ways heading to separate houses, and putting ourselves in different vulnerabilities.

I walked up to Jerome's house and unlocked the door with the spare key he have when I started staying there for a while.

"Romeo! Romeo, where art thou Romeo"

"Thou beith in thou bedroom."

Giggling a little under my breath I jogged up the stairs and into Romeo's room to find him laying upside down off the side of the bed, looking at his phone. I laid down next to him and hung off the side of his bed while string at the wall in front of me. taking a deep breath I felt Jerome's eyes on me so I glanced over at him before sitting back up on the bed.

"I'm ready to talk if you are." I whispered with my eyes closed.

He chuckled nervously and sat up on the bed. "What are you talking about..?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Jerome, what happened in that dream you had?"

"Yn... I c"

"Please just tell me. I'm ready to open up if you are. Please trust me."

He stared at me for a second before sighing and putting his head in his hands.

"Ok... Where should I start?"

"Why did you leav-e?" my voice cracked a little at the end.

He looked at me with a hurt expression for a second then starred at the wall.

"When we left I wasn't sure why we were moving so far away, away from the people we love but I did about a week after we got situated and I was going to school," he paused and exhaled, " so when I got done with school each day I would go to my job I got working at a little café for a few hours and then by the time I got home my mom would be gone to w-work."

I could tell he was holding in tears by the way he clenched and unclenched his jaw. I rubbed my hand In a circle on his back. He looked down with his he's in his hands.

"I don't think I-I can't do this baby girl... I-I just.."

"Romeo please whatever you need to get this out I can see it's hurting you...just please... Please just trust me."

He looked up at me and sat back up sitting me in his lap so I would rest my head on his shoulder. He began playing with my hair twirling it in between his fingers.

"So when I would leave for work she would always text me saying she had just got home when I left an it would repeat everyday... But one day was different. I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and a bad head ache. I checked my blood pressure and it was way higher than safe so I drove myself to the hospital. They checked me and gave me some medicine blah blah blah but when the doctor came to release me from there he asked if I was related to Mia Hunter which is my mom and when I said yes he said "I'm sorry about everything and all the complications" but before I could ask why a nurse rushed in and pulled him out quickly... So I kind of followed them to where they were going..."

A watched a tear fall down his soft smooth cheek and began to piece little things together but still didn't fully understand what he was getting at.

"They started to come back towards me wheeling some-someone away. I watched as they got closer to me and as they passed me I saw my-my mom laying in the bed. She was so skinny Yn her amazing young flawless features were all shifted down and droopy. She was looking at me as they wheeled her away she smiled at me the best she could As tears fell down her face."

He was full on crying now but his face was emotionless as he continued while I was frozen with shock.

"The nurse stopped me outside of the operating room and made me sit down. After about 3 hours the doctor came out looking exhausted and motioned me to go into the room while sending me a sympathetic look. I walked in and saw mom on the bed hooked up to so many wires. I walked over and held her hand. She started talking before I could she just asked how I liked the place she was working at- meaning the hospital- and said how she wanted me to only remember her how she was before and now how she was then. "

"She said that even tho I may not believe so that the best way for me to live my life was to not watch her vanish before my eyes. Then she just started coughing and squeezed my hand tight with a smile on her face."

He started talking so fast that I could barely make out what he was saying. But it didn't matter because I already knew.

"There were so many noises and doctors and nurses rushing in. I didn't..."

I had already started crying way before he said that because I knew the ending of his horrid story. I wanted to just block it all out and believe in my own fantasy world where reality fails to exist. But I knew I couldn't and what Romeo said next proved it.

"Yn... My mom took her last breath right in front of me after losing her battle with cancer two months ago right before I moved here."


Please don't hate me guys. I've been so preoccupied with finishing up school and sports and everything but for those of you that have stayed and were patient with me thank you soooo much






❌❌❌ * TWITTER - Wallflower17__

I will answer any questions to clarify anything you may need. ❌❌❌❌


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