Chapter 16: Adios ninja

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Jadens POV

I was standing outside the door trying to think about why she kept having these dreams and everything. I don't like seeing her like that.

When I was listening by the door I heard something that make my stomach drop. Sydnee asked her if she thought I was gonna hurt her like 'he' did whoever he is... And the bad thing was YN stayed quiet. After debating about going in or not I decided not to and started to walk away went Sydnees voice was audible again

Syd- admit it u like him

That caught my attention but what YN said next really made me smile

YN- ....I-I do, I really do like him...alot

I couldn't take it anymore and I was about to walk in but the doctor went in before me so I just decided to wait for her to come out.

Whenever she came out she walked over to me and I swooped her up into my arms. Whenever I set her down I told her how I felt about her and how I would never hurt her. She hugged me and I could tell se was crying because of the faint sniffing I could hear coming from her. I let her go and we walked out hand in hand to the car.

''''''''""""""'🏡Back at home🏠""""""""'"


Once we got home my hand was still perfectly fitted within Jadens. I kept glancing at Jaden a few times and he would catch me every time and smirk at me which would release a new butterfly to flutter around in my stomach. Sydnee said she was gonna go shopping for stuff to take back to Virginia and right before she closed the door she turned back to me and was smiling like a creep.

Jaden- so u wanna go for a swim or something

You- yeaaaaa let me go get my swim suit on😁

Jaden- alright ill meet u out there😉

You- okkkk

You went upstairs and put on ur bikini on. You ran all the way back downstairs and ran outside into your backyard. Jaden wasn't there yet so I put my iphone on a dock and played music. Pretty Wings by Maxwell came on (yea I'm oldschool so what). I stood there for a minute to take in the scenery but I stood there to long because as soon as I took a step to dive into the water I felt warm, muscular arms wrap around me and pick me up bridal style. Before I could scream or see who the culprit was I was under the water. I swam up breaking the surface of the water and looked around to see that no one was there. I blinked a few times and felt warm, soft hands run up my thighs then to my waist then up my shoulders, and back down to my waist. I turned around to see the smirking face of Jaden. I let out a sigh of relief and smiled at him

Jaden- (bit his lip) you look.... Damn

I laughed at his comment and looked at his abs thinking the same thing. I ran my finger tips down his pack and he groaned. I looked up at him giggling.

You- you're such a dweb.

Jaden- but I'm your dweb.

He kissed me, then my cheek, and jawline. A faint moan/ gasp escaped from my mouth as he licked my soft spot on my neck then traveled down my shoulder. He looked back up at me and our eyes met. He leaned in at the same time I did and our lips met for a second. We both looked each other in the eye smiling at each other then we kissed again this time it turned into a make out session. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he gripped my butt causing me to again moan and gasp. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and we fought for dominance. He started to tug on my bikini strings and I tugged on his shorts still not breaking the kiss. Just before he could pull my top off the skidding door that led to the backyard swung open and Eden came running to the pool. She came to an abrupt stop almost falling as she looked at us with wide eyes. J and I both looked at each other before I jumped off of him and stood in front of him holding the top to my bikini while Jaden tied it back up as fast as he could.

Eden- I-in sorry...... 😏Wait a minute when did you two start dating? Why didn't you tell me? Y'all weren't just about to-

You- woah woah hold up ninja we-

Eden- sooooo when did y'all start going out huh?

You- we a-

Jaden- just recently

Eden- awwweeee!!!!! Oh I guess I should probably just go then

And with tht Eden was out of sight and out the front door in a flash. I turned towards Jaden with a smirk and wide eyed expression that made him laugh.

Jaden- why are you lookin like that?!?! OMG that's so cute

I blushed at this and then looked back up at him since he was about 5 or so inches taller than me.

You- you just told Eden that we are a thing

Jaden- and..?

You- since when did that happen

Jaden got out of the pool and went upstairs. I thought maybe i have annoyed him. This thought made me look down at the water and i could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes at any moment when I felt the water move beside me. Jaden sighed and looked at me with a half- serious half- amused look and took my face in his hands. "I really like you YN and I've wanted you to be my girlfriend since I first saw you that day at school. You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I'm not gonna lie to you I was a player a while back but you have made me change my ways. You have showed me that there is a thing called love and passion and you have made me feel like myself. I want you to be with me so I can feel this way and protect you from anything and everything." I could feel the tears falling from my eyes as I stood there awestruck from what Jaden was saying to me. "So YN will you be my girl?" When he said that he held out a ring that had a infinity sign. I gasped tears still streaming down my face and my hands clasped over my mouth.

I finally found my voice but it was very shaky. "I-I can't take that. It must have cost you a fortune!"

Jaden- it's for you. I can afford it. Soooo will you be my girl?

I looked at him tears making my eyes blurry as I jumped up into his arms and kissed him with as much passion as possible. When I pulled away I smirked at him "does that answer your question?"

Jaden- idk... I'm not sure what that means

You- oh shut up dweb.

You two kissed until you had to breathe. After a while you two got out and went upstairs to take y'all's showers.

Jaden- you know if we took our shower together we wouldn't use as much wa-

I cut him off with a giggle and shaking my head. "Um how bout...nah" I kissed him one last time before shutting my door and taking a shower.

After our showers you agreed I meet back down stairs to watch a movie. My hair was still damp and I had a tank top and some yoga pants on. When I made it downstairs and saw Jaden I had to bite my lip to keep from drooling. I made your way to him sitting on the couch. I was standing in front of him as he quickly checked me out biting his lip and breathing a little heavier. He looked up at me and leaned toward grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. I ended up straddling his waist running my fingers through his damp hair as we stared at each other. A groan slipped out of his mouth and I looked at him with a smirk and started to entangle my fingers in his hair even more and leaned down to kiss his jawline and neck. He wrapped his muscular, warm arms around me and gripped onto my butt pulling me closer and groaning in pleasure. I smirked against his smooth, caramel skin and pulled away. He looked at me in the eye and all I could see was passion and lust. I got so lost in his beautiful eyes. He gently pressed his lips against mine and trailed down my neck and shoulder. I bit my lip to refrain from moaning and I know this caused him to smirk. He came back up to eye level and bit his lip which caused me I bite harder. He leaned down to my ear and whispered in his deep husky voice which made me shiver.

Jaden- you do t have to hold it in. Just Moan

I shook my head vigorously and looked at him. He hustled grinned and went down to my neck and began kissing, sucking, and licking my soft spot. If he did that any longer I was For sure going to moan which is what happened. I moaned so loudly you would have thought we were.... You know.... But we're werent! Jaden looked back at me and began kissing me and entangling his tongue with mine. I was moaning in the kiss and Jaden was groaning as I tugged on his hair and massaged his scalp. This by far was the best and most heated make out session we had ever had together.

???- is this what I need to expect every time I come back.

Jaden and I jumped away from each other when Sydnee walked into the kitchen with a smirk on her face as Jaden and I were gasping for air.

You- actually.... We.... Were.. About.. To watch a movie

Sydnee- is that soo well ill leave you to it I have to go pack cuz I have to leave tomorrow to go see my dad and family here.

You- 😔 ok well come back and knock next time

Sydnee- will do. Oh and tell me how your birthday goes in a couple of months I should come back by the. But you never know. (Yawn) see you guys in the morning and no more moaning.

After that she took some jello upstairs and disappeared. Jaden and I ended up watching The Call. I laid my head on his chest and we intertwined our fingers together as we watched the movie. When it finally ended I was coming in and out of consciousness and the last thing I remembered was Jaden picking me up and taking me to my room. I didn't want him to leave me in there alone so he laid down beside me and we cuddled for the rest of the night. That was exactly how I woke up the next morning. Jaden was already awake and kissed my forehead.

Jaden- good morning beautiful

You- 😳😁 good morning

Jaden- I guess we should get up and go help Sydnee pack and stuff huh?

You- yeah I guess so

When we made it to sydnees room it was empty. I went downstairs and there was a note on the table it was from Sydnee:

Hey little ninja sorry I didn't say goodbye but I saw how peaceful you looked with Jaden so I left u be. Just don't forget he is good for you don't let him slip away.

Love ya much,


You- ok since she isn't here anymore what are we gonna do?

Jaden- wellllll we kinda need to get ready for school.

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 7:23 a.m. when we had to be there at 8:15. I rushed upstairs to get ready but not before I heard Jaden chuckling.

I could tell I was gonna have an eventful day ahead if me.


I'm back I'm sorry I took so long but I have been in vacation the past few days. Thank you so much for the comments but if you want me to keep on going with this I need more than the normal amazing commenters.

Comment and vote bellow my lil chilren👇👇👇👇

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