Chapter 5: Im back

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Recap: jaden just asked u out and btw yall ate breakfast and r sitting on the couch watchin tv

Your POV

Did he just ask me out?!?!?

He did 😳

Idk wat to do!!!!!

I think I like it but I'm not sure

I have this feeling in my stomach that this could either be the best day of my life or it could have a really bad ending Ig we'll just hav to see

Jadens POV


I have to make this the best day of her life cuz I already now it's gonna be my bet day ever

End of POV

you- sooo when and where r we going?

Jaden- tomorrow and that's a surprise 😏

You- Noooo I don't like surprises Jaden 😩

Jaden- Wellll Idk wat to tell u

Your POV

I don't want to be surprised I'm gonna get him to tell me where we r going the easy way or the hard way😏

You- Jaaadddeen plz tell me 😩

Jaden- nope (popping the p)

You get on top of him and straddle him massaging ur fingers through his curls

You- please (u say seductivly in his ear)

Jaden- (rotting turned on) YN I'm srry but I-I'm n-not tellin u 😳

You- (back to normal) fine then

You walk away swaying ur hips and u can feel him staring at ur butt and u smirk to urself

Jaden- hold on mami Where do u think ur going

You- to bed duhhhh

Jaden- no u rnt (starts to get up and chase u

You- Noooo (u start running

He chases u upstairs into ur room and as u try to close the door so he won't get in he burst in and tackles u onto the bed and starts to tickle u

You- Jaden stop 😂😂😂😂

Jaden- no

You- plz 😚😂😂😂😂😂 I can't

Jaden- fine

He stops tickling u but he is still on top of u and y'all's eyes meet

You- j-jad.....

Jaden- (leans in)

You-(leans in)

Ur lips r half an inch away when all the sudden someone is banging on the door

You and Jaden - WHAT THE HELL

You- ill get it

Jaden- umm ok ill come with u

You guys start walkin downstairs Jaden go in the kitchen while u answer the door

You- hi...DERRICK

Derrick- I'm back b*tch

He grabs u by ur hair and shoves ur lips on his. You brake the kiss and try to push him out of the house but he throws ur onto the ground

You- JADENNN HELP ME (voice cracks)

Jaden runs in a fast as he can just as he sees u on the floor holding ur stomach he looks up and flings himself to Derrick constantly punching him everywhere. Just before he takes one more punch Derrick punches Jaden and escapes out the door into darkness

Jaden- damn bastard. YN!!!! R u ok

You- ( cracks a smile and passes out)

Jaden picks u up bridal style and rushes u to the hospital.

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