Chapter 25: White Lips, Pale Face

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After Martin went off I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:30 in the morning meaning Syd and Romeo would be waking up any second.

I got up to go and lock myself in my room so they wouldn't try to ask any questions. I was thinking about texting the guy I met yesterday when I got a phone call. Without looking at the caller ID I answered.

"Hello." my voice was emotionless and bland.

"Yn thank goodness you are okay! you had me worried sick! I've been trying to call you and text and call Sydnee. Where are you? Are you okay?Is Syd-"

I was shocked by the voice I heard over the line.

"Derrick?" I said my voice cracking for some unknown reason.

"Yeah..." His voice suddenly softened and a frown was evident in his voice.

"What? ho-? How did you get my number?" I was so confused that was the first thing that came to mind to ask.

"I-I kept it after our br-break u-up..." Why was his voice breaking.

"Why..?" I whispered.

He didn't answer for a while so I thought that he didn't hear me. I was about to repeat what I had said until he sighed and answered.

"In case I got the guts to explain. I kept in case you ever needed me. In case- in case you were ever in trouble." he said letting out a shaky breath as he finished his sentence.

What does he mean?

"Why would I be in trouble..?"

"I-uh." he stumbled over his words which made me even more suspicious.

"Derrick..whats going on? why would I be in some kind of-"

"Don't worry about it. Forget I said anything."


"Please Yn." He said it in such a way, it almost sounded like he was pleading.


I heard him let out a sigh before speaking again. "Are you okay and safe?"


"Thank's-how's Sydnee? I tried calling and texting bu-but she never answered. I just need to know if she's alright." his voice came out shaky and he sounded helpless, and in all honesty it broke my heart.

"She's okay."

Once again he let out a shaky breath. "Good."

"You really like her huh?"

"Y-yeah. I- never mind."

Wonder what he was going to say?

"I want to help."

"What do you mean?"

"With getting you two back together. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"But she hates me now. She won't even look at me without having a hurt or discussed look on her face. I doubt we will ever be together again."

"To bad because it's gonna happen whether you like it or not.


"No more buts it's final, point blank period."


"I said period not comma. Meet me at the mall food court at 1320 hours sharp."

I heard him chuckle softly over the phone. "Alright."

That Special Someone (a Jaden smith love story)Where stories live. Discover now