Chapter 10: What did i just do?!?

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Jadens POV

Ummmm.....😐..... U know wat I'm not even going to ask✋. She is happy now and that needs to stay that way.

Nikki's POV

I can't believe that RACHET negro Derrick. I really can't believe I haven't talked to my best friend YN other than to bully her for a whole year. But the past is the past and now we r besties again.

Your POV

YUSSSSS I missed Nikki so much. Her words never hurt me it was just the feeling of her not being my best friend and having the feeling that I hurt her so much. But we r back to being friends. I hope Jaden doesn't ask about all if that because then my secret might come out.


The whole day Nikki and YN hung out and talked at school until the last bell rang.

Nikki- here's my #

You- thnx ya. Ill text u later

U said ur goodbyes and u skipped over to Jaden. He greets u with a HUGE smile and u giggle. You guys drive all the way home and when u get home and sit on the couch to watch tv he is still lookin at u and cheesing

You- what!?!?!

Jaden- nothhhiinnn....

You-JADEEENNNN..... Plz tell me

Jaden- nope it's nothin

You get on top of him and straddle him. Then u start to bite ur lip and play in his curls.

You- (seductively) Jaden

Jaden-(getting turned on) yn.... Don't start with me u don't know wat I would do to u

You-(whisper in his ear) u can't handle all this (u body roll on him)

Jaden- YN I'm serious ill destroy u

You- just tell me what u were thinking and ill stop.

Jaden- o tht 😁 I was just happy for u. I haven't really seen u so happy before

You- (blushes) o y couldn't u have just said that

You playfully slap his arm and try to get up but he gently but forcefully pulls u back down on his lap.

Jaden- and where vdo u think u r going.

You- (giggles) to get something to eat

Jaden- wrongggg.

Before U could say anything Jaden started to plant tiny kisses down ur jawline and neck. It sent shivers down ur spine.

You- (moaning) j-Jaden stop t-this isn't right

Jaden-( 😏 against ur skin)

You- (likes it but starts to get scared) j-Jaden PLEASE STOP

You gently pushed on jadens chest and he let u go. U ran upstairs and into ur room.

Jadens POV

mannn what did I just do 😔

Your POV

What did I just do

End of POV

Jaden walked upstairs and knocked on ur door

Jaden- y-YN I didn't mean to hurt u

You- ....

Jaden- yn!!!


Jaden- yn!!! Are u ok!!!

You- mmhmm

Jaden-ok I'm gonna get somethin to eat ok?


Jaden wet downstairs or so u thought but just then Jaden busted through the door.

Jaden- let her go NOW!!!!

You- being chocked and have a gun put up to ur head

????- NO THIS B*tch owes me something and I want it right NOW

You-(out of breath) j-jaden.....

Ur voice cracks and u pass out. The last thing u heard was Jaden say something and u hit the floor.

Jaden- NIGGA. Listen she is MY girl now and u need to stay away from her. If I find out she is hurt in anyway I swear I will beat ur mass.

?????- bet.

????? Jumps out the window and Jaden runs over to u and rushes u to the hospital for the 2nd time.


🏥Hospital 🏥

Doctor- Jaden she is gonna be alright. U may not be surprised but she has actually been in hear multiple times because of....

Before he could finish his sentence someone came over and whispered something in the doctors ear and they ran the opposite direction. Jaden was now wat more curious than he should have been now that he didn't know what the doctor really had to tell him. But he walked into Yns room calmly and just like nothin had happen just a few moments before.


Jaden- yn...

You-j-Jaden (weak voice)


Do u know who it is? if i Said it wasnt derrick who would u think it was (hint:not derrick) Comment and vote for the answer an another part. Sorry if this is a little short but I felt bad for making u guys wait so long so here u chicas goo

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