Chapter 19

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"Hi, Sophie." He smiled at me.

"Wow. I didn't even recognize you." I said, acknolodging his facial hair. He nodded awkwardly and I stepped aside.

"Come in." It hurt to look at the guy that shattered my heart.

"So, how have you been?" He asked. Jason came in.

"Hi, I'm Jason." He held his hand out to shake.

"Jason, you already know Ryan." I said to him. Jason kind of squinted.

"Oh wow. Ryan!" They were never friends. Jason kind of gave him a dirty look.

"So, how's Paris?"

"It's amazing."

"And h-how's Lucy?"

"She's good."

"How's your mom?" I asked. His mom and my mom were best friends. Always doing something together.

"That's what I'm here for." Something was wrong. I could tell by the look in his eyes. I didn't even notice that Jason left the room.

"M-my mom passed away 2 days ago."

I gasped and put my hand to my lips. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

He let one tear fall from his eye and wiped it right away.

"She was in a car accident with a huge truck. It went into her car and flipped her right off the road.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault."

I nodded with a loss for words.

"And that's why I'm here. To invite you to her funeral. I felt like I should ask you in person. Plus, I really wanted to see you."

"Well, I'll go to her funeral." I said, not smiling or anything. My face was straight.

"Alright. That's good." He said. "We're flying over later tonight. And Jason can go, too." I nodded.

We sat there for a few minutes. I wasn't looking at him, but I felt his eyes glued to my face.

"Listen, Sophie."

I turned to face him.

"I'm sorry that I moved on. It felt right at the time. I miss you. I've never looked at Lucy the same way I looked at you."

Well, wasn't expecting that, I thought to myself.

"I still have feelings for you. I'm still in love with you."

"Yeah? Well maybe you should have thought about that when you found this girl." I got up and walked away. And the thought of looking back didn't even enter my mind once.

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