Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"What's the matter?" Owen said as they slowed to a stop.

"We need to actually get close enough to this to put the transmitter essentially next to its head," Tosh said. "I also don't know if it will damage us so take make sure you wear your noise canceling headphones. But as long as you're not within a hundred feet it should only be painful, not deadly. The farther away from the transmitter the less effective it will be."

"So what are the actual odds of getting out of this with out brains not turning to liquid?" Ianto inquired.

"The only time I ever saw liquid brain was when my brother took me to the body farm," Life said sticking her head into the window. "Not a fun place I think it's somewhere in rural America but I'm not sure, America is such a strange place sometimes."

"Is now really the time?" Gwen asked grabbing a Heckler out of the trunk.

"If I couldn't talk during a crisis then I would never be able to get a word in," Life mused.

"Because that would be such a horrible thing." Gwen muttered.

"Alright chickees who's ready to go?" Owen asked loading his gun.

"Do I look like a bird of fowl to you Owen?" Gwen snapped.

"Alright!" Jack said. "Listen up. Gwen get all nonessential personnel out of here, we don't need any casualties. Owen, Ianto and Life I need you to set up a perimeter and keep shooting at it. We need a distraction while I try and get close enough with the transmitter."

"Jack you can't be that close when the transmitter goes off I don't know what kind of damage that will do, even with the headphones you could have serious brain damage." Tosh explained.

"I'll be fine," Jack said flippantly.

Jack tossed Life a gun and while she caught it she looked at it in disgust then dropped it.

"You said you wanted to help, you can't really do that without a gun." Gwen stated.

"If it's a distraction you want I have much more effective ways of drawing his attention," Life assured her. 

"You said you wanted to help so pick up the gun and help," Gwen said.

"I can help all by myself." Life said with a smirk.

Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and-

"What the hell are you doing?" Gwen asked in exasperation. Not a breath later a flower shop exploded. Vines as thick as tree trunks slithered out the doors and windows towards the Minotaur. Cracks appeared in sidewalks as plants grew at almost alarming rates and made their way towards the Minotaur as if drawn by an invisible force. When he saw them coming he started slashing with his sword but as they built up they became harder and harder to get rid of, soon taking his attention away from the police altogether.

"You need to do this now," Life said through gritted teeth. She was shaking and a bright light could be seen behind her eyelids.

"Let's go!" Jack said taking the transmitter and running behind the stores so as to sneak up behind the Minotaur.

Putting on their headphones they rushed behind overturned cars, Ianto, Tosh, and Owen held their positions and continue to shoot at the beast. Gwen was hurriedly herding pedestrians and policemen away from the violent scene. While they weren't injuring him they were definitely annoying him. Letting out a deafening roar he tore away the vines wrapping around his wrist and hefted a car at the shooters.

Owen could see it before it happened, the car flying above his head and smashing into Life, flinging her fifty feet back into the very plant store she had used to help them. In an instant the vines went limps and the Minotaur was disentangling his legs from the masses of fauna. Without thinking Owen rushed to the store where Lifes body had fallen. Retreating behind cars further from the enraged Minotaur Ianto and Tosh failed to notice Jack slinking up behind it. Just as it became aware of Jacks presence Jack flipped the switch and an ear piercing noise could be heard for miles around.

Jack collapsed to the ground instantly but the transmitter continued. Glass from the surrounding stored and cars cracked and shattered next, dogs could be heard howling mournfully. The Minotaurs face scrunched with pain and he fell to the ground with a resounding thud. When the transmitter went off all that could be heard was the wailing of car alarms.

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