Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"You know, something about the way you said that, I just don't trust you." Gwen stated crossing her arms.

"Listen, I'm not making you do anything you don't want to, I'm just offering."

"Offering what exactly?" Ianto questioned tilting his head to the side.

"To live forever. Well of course you'd still die but you'd live. That came out wrong," Life bit her lip and scrunched up her face before continuing. "You'd be like Jack. You would come back but don't take this lightly. I've only offered this to three others before. Two in a parallel universe and one in this one. Only the two took it. It's hard to see your loved ones and friends come and go around you while you remain the same."

"Who were the ones in the parallel universe?" Jack asked staring at her intently.

"A flower and her love." She smiled reminiscently.

"You gave Rose and the other Doctor immortality?" He said with a mixture of disbelief and happiness.

"Well yes, yes I did."

"Is this the same Doctor you went away with?" Ianto asked in a hard tone.

"No, well yes. But no. It's complicated but him and Rose are together." Jack responded going to stand behind Ianto's chair.

"And in this universe?" Owen asked and immediately her demeanor changed.

"In the eighteenth century, just a boy. He thought it was witchcraft but he kept it secret. However someone found out and thought it was him. He was burned at the stake in the middle of the night. That's it." She said in a firm tone.

"Well why didn't you save him?" Gwen asked and Life's cold glare turned to her.

"I'm not death, I cannot and will not kill anyone. Only if I'm in direct danger do I have any power to fatally harm someone."

"I'll do it." Owen said suddenly turning to Life.

"Do what?" Toshiko asked.

"I want to be turned immortal. I'm dead. I can't eat, sleep, drink or have sex. Hell I haven't felt anything in months! I don't have very much to loose."

"That's absolute rubbish! You can't do that, it goes against the laws of nature!" Gwen said standing up.

"I for one," Life raised a hand in the air. "Actually know Nature and she's very free spirited."

"And you! What's the cost of this? To be your little lapdogs for the whole of eternity? Nothing comes without a price," Gwen spat at Life.

"No cost, I just feel as though you guys should have more days than the ones allotted to you. Which, in fact, are kind of numbered for some of you. I mean I can tell you how you die and you can take steps to prevent it but," She shrugged helplessly. "Death has a way of catching up to you."

"Can't you just tell him not to? Since he 'owes you'?" Gwen said and Life gave her an annoyed look.

"Your jobs are dangerous anyway, I'm surprised y'all have lasted this long. If it's a touch and go situation yeah I can ask but if you get shot in the head he can't help you unless you want to live with a hole in your head."

"I'll do it. From what I hear life after death isn't anything to look forward to." Ianto said not making eye contact.

"'Life after Death'? What are you high? Obviously I'm older. Can't have Death without Life!" Life looked appalled. "Of course, Ianto. Seeing your death made me cry for hours, I cant imagine how Jack would've taken it, or you, for that matter."

"Are you sure, Ianto?" Jack asked turning Ianto's chair around to face him. Not meeting his eyes Ianto started trying to explain himself.

"I'm sure, someone's gotta clean up after you lot," His attempt at humor was thinly veiled and Jack could see all of the emotions he was desperately trying to hide. Jack reached down and cupped Ianto's face forcing him to look up at him. He swiped the pad of his thumb over Ianto's cheek and leaned down to press a firm kiss to Ianto's lips and pulled back smiling slightly.

"So there's no life after death?" Toshiko asked pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"That's really complicated, it depends on 'religion' I guess. Some people have enough faith aka imagination to concoct a heaven or oasis. But there is something akin to hell, it's where my lil bro punishes those who do wrong or something like that. That's unimaginable."

"Alright so girls, your final answers?" Life asked leaning across the table with Ianto and Owen next to her and Jack standing behind Ianto's chair gently rubbing his shoulders.

"Absolutely not! I have a life," Life cracked a smirk at her choice of words and Gwen gave her a cold stare. "I have Rhys and I'm not abandoning my family."

"Okay then, I'm not going to push you." Life shrugged cocking her head.

"Tosh?" Owen said but was cut off with a scream as Life fell to the ground.

Wincing she went to her knees trying to give a weak smile. Brow furrowing she opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. She grabbed her head curling in on herself. She seemed to be vibrating, her form changing each second. Smaller, larger, blonde, brunette, almost as though she was having a war within herself. A hundred different people in under ten seconds. Her back arched while her eyes emanated pure light brighter than the sun.

"What's happening?" Owen screamed as he bent down to grab her arm, but recoiled with a yelp. "She's burning hot!"

True to his word there was steam coming from Life's skin and she was slowly turning bright red as if being slowly cooked. Everyone stared in shocked silence as they stared helplessly at Life's convulsing form. Her skin was turning dark red as though the blood was trying to seep out of her body. Then when it was as red as could be, it started turning darker. Her skin was turning from a dark red to a charred black. In the fetus position her body finally chose a form. Her form became lanky and taller. Her hair retreated back into her head until it was black and shaggy.

Once Life got to her feet it was clear she wasn't really a she anymore.

His skin was pale white, a sharp contrast from the pitch black of moments ago. He looked like one of those seemingly emo guys on the covers of magazines. He wore a black tank top and jeans slung low on his hips. He had piercings on his lips, nose and eyebrows which only added to his 'bad boy' look. Straightening up he threw his shoulders back with a crack. His eyes were an ice blue, cold, calculating. Lips curling up into a familiar smirk he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Death."


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