Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'm not here to kill you all. I mean I've met Jack what," He smiled innocently shoving his hands in his pockets. "A bunch of times, man you gotta stop doing that whole death, life, death, life thing. It can't be good for the soul."

Without warning two bullets impaled themselves in Death's chest. Owen held his gun in a white knuckled grip but held steady. Death cocked an eyebrow in his direction and sighed. He looked down unconcerned as crimson blood seeped through his shirt and down his chest. He pulled the shirt away from his chest and examined the bullet holes with mild disdain. Everyone watched with a mixture of disgust and fascination as the wounds began to stitch themselves together. The blood once coating his chest and shirt shriveled and dried until it was black ash that he easily brushed off of his shirt, which still had he two holes.

"I liked this shirt. Owen, bro I thought we were good. You should know I'm not as chill as my little sis." He ended with a smirk that looked a lot more threatening on him than it did on Life.

"She said she was older." Gwen cut in.

"Of course she did. I mean neither of us really remember being that we were, well infants. But dearest little Life isn't as mature so in my opinion she's younger."

"What happened to her?" Jack asked his gun still in hand. "You just took her body or were you her the entire time?"

"Oh hell no, I couldn't be that nice if my continued existence depended on it. Gather round kiddos it's story time," Death said repeating Life's earlier words with a malicious grin. He sprawled out in one of the chairs and pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it with just his index finger he took a long drag. "I just kinda took her place. I don't know how to explain it in ways you apes would understand but the closest thing to compare it to is teleportation. She was here, and now I am. Where I was, she is."

"Why did you take her place? Couldn't you have just come here with her here?" Ianto questioned

"Yeah I could've but I wanted a chance to kill you in case I decided I didn't like you." He deadpanned.

"Yet none of us are dead, that's a good thing." Ianto responded and Death grinned lazily at him and gave him a once over. Jack's lips tightened into a thin line as he cleared his throat and moved slightly in front of Ianto.

"You're Ianto, aren't you?" Deaths eyes lit up in recognition and his grin faded looking between the two of them.

"Man, my sister cried about your passing for weeks. It was like a damn soap opera. Kept sobbing about like Janto or some shit."

"Why is it everyone knew about my death before I did?" Ianto asked.

"Because it happened like a month ago our original time."

"What do you mean a month ago? He's still living." Jack said

"We can sort of time jump. But the farther back or forward we go the more restricted our actions are. Because it's only a month we can do whatever we want really but say I went back to oh, 1776 I wouldn't be able to do much that interferes with something important." Death was still studying Jack and Ianto as if they were specimen in a lab. "Like just before I came here I was taking a little trip back in time."

"And where were you?" Gwen asked.

"Nowhere special. But she should be returning in a few seconds. I'll take that as my cue to-" he was cut off by a dull red flash lighting up the room. A resounding thud had them poised to shoot at a moments notice.

"The freaking Civil War?! The bloodiest war in America you fucking asshole." Life had Death pinned against the wall in an iron grip ignoring everything around her. Including the fact that she was drenched in blood. Her hair was matted to her forehead and drying in clumps. Every inch of skin was covered in the dark red substance and it appeared as though she had been hosed down with it. She looked half crazed screaming, covered in blood.

"Problem?" Death said with a smirk but his eyes darted around the room and he shifted uncomfortably in her hold.

"You are perfectly aware you insolent asshole that even in my current state, in this world, you don't stand a chance." She punctuated the last word with a jolt of light into the pit of his stomach and his smirk faltered enough to see the apparent truth in her words.

There was a subtle shift in his eyes that only someone that knew him as well as Life did could detect. She could do it, she could kill him. Her body was angry and threatened enough that she could kill him. Her only known family. The bane of her existence. The force opposing everything she stood for. She rolled her eyes growling carnally. Fisting her hand she pulled back and punched him square in the jaw.

"Oww, you've been working on your right hook I see." Rubbing his jaw he slouched against the wall looking like a scolded teenager.

"Get it off of me. Now." Life said gesturing to her blood soaked, well everything. Still submissive from being put in his place Death complied and within seconds the blood on her turned to ash and was brushed to the ground. Shaking out her hair Life sighed bringing her attention back to her brother.

"What?" She said with venom towards Death.

"What do you mean what?" Was the confused answer.

"I'm assuming you didn't just come here for shits and giggles or to piss me off. You know, wars to start, diseases to create lives to ruin. That sorta thing." Her voice was still malicious but tinged with the teasing of a sibling.

"Okay that was one time recently."

"That one time happened to be cancer you douchebag."

"Well it's not like you don't save enough of them already, there are seven billion of them!"

"And who's fault is that Mr. Holocaust?"

"I said I was sorry for that but did you listen, no you had to go and give them the cure for malaria and polio. Those were some of my best works-"

"As much as I love our wonderful conversations brother, what was the intent of your visit?" Life interrupted with a huff of irritation.

"Oh, I wanted to tell you that you were wrong." A grin breaking out across his face Death walked right up to Life.

"What is it this time?"

"You'll see." He said in a sing song tone.

"What do you mean I'll- ahhhhh no you son of a bitch," She gripped her head and started muttering. "Owwwee... power plant... ahhhhh...radiation... fucking asshole... John?.... bastard with a watch."

"Comprende munchkin?" He asked as the others looked on in confusion.

She was wrong. She admits it doesn't happen often but when it does fate likes to shove it in her face. Apparently a bulletproof vest wouldn't in fact save Owen but an anti radiation device would. Or if Toshiko wasn't shot she could help but that wasn't her main focus.

"Thin ice, Dan." She said mockingly.

"Whatever you say, Lea."

"Would someone like to explain what the bloody hell just happened?" Gwen inquired.

"If she keeps interrupting us I'm going to turn her into a skeleton." Death warned turning to Life.


I know, weird place to end but my writers block moved a bit and I wanted to put some words to paper or Internet in this case.

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