Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What do you mean you're life?" Gwen asked over the intercom.

"Not life as in lower case, Life as in upper case. Like God or Death," She said whilst casually weaving her hair into a braid. At this point Jack wasn't even going to bother trying to tie her up again.

"Well what the bloody hell does that mean?" Owen asked coming over and resting his hands on the table.

"Well you know my brother, Death, skeleton, big dark mist follows him around and tries to conquer the earth etcetera. I'm his sister, sort of. Well this is where things get kinda complicated so, gather round children it's story time. I have no idea what my parents even were but I do know that I had a brother whom now is death. While he's all trying to destroy the world, "his hunger will have no bound'," she imitated in a deep voice "While I create life, and not just in the fun way..." Staring at Owen's hand she trailed off and put a hand to her head. Scrunching her face in pain Life reached her hand out to her side as though to reach out and touch something.

"What are you doing?" Jack said resting his hand on his gun.

"Oh relax, I'm showing you what makes me different," She said condescendingly.

"I'm sure you know how there are alternate universes parallel to this one that are almost pretty much the same except for a couple variables that make all the difference?" She said remaining still.

"Yeah, but what does that matter? No one can cross them without creating a crack that will cause our two worlds to collide and ultimately d-" Jack started to say.

"Destroy the universe yeah, yeah. I was there when the the Daleks and Cybermen invaded. Tried to stick my brain in a fucking metal bucket. But back to the dimensions. I can see into them. Sometimes I can crossover if I'm bored but I'm normally pretty content in this one. I only ever look into the first six but that takes awhile so I'm gonna go with four." She shrugged as if inter-dimensional travel was no big deal.

"First dimension being this one I think we know what's going on here. Second dimension all righty um," she paused and tilted her head as if listening to a conversation then burst out laughing. Clutching her stomach, she leaned in on herself. "Oh um apparently you're questioning an alien blowfish on where he hid a sextape," she rose her eyebrows but kept her eyes closed. "A sextape that has Ianto and two soldiers in UNIT doing some things in quite compromising positions."

"Ianto wouldn't..." Jack's smirk started to fade and he looked into the camera and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"No, sir." Ianto said over the loudspeaker.

"Hmmm... Boss kink, never pegged you as the type Ianto. Learn something new everyday." She said and Owen stifled a chuckle clearing his throat and shaking his head.

"And the third dimension, this ones gonna take a bit longer to focus on so ask away." She waved the hand in their general direction.

"Why didn't you die when we shot you?" Toshiko asked.

"Cause fucking immortality that's why. Same kinda thing as Jack over there but mines a bit more complex. I'm putting this in simplest terms possible but it's still going to be a mouthful," She giggled. "Not unlike other things that go in your mouth but that's another story." At this Owen did laugh but quickly quieted under Jack's stare.

"Okay so first of all I don't age. I'm Life and there isn't a picture of Life anywhere that depicts me as over thirty ish so I change my age. Every once and awhile I revert back to infant stages so I can grow up in a new area but I am completely aware of everything and retain all of my prior knowledge. That's why I said I grew up in New York as that was the last place I grew up. Wait a minute I got it." She moved her hand still poised in the air a little farther away and then grew pale, or as pale as she could get.

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