L.I.F.E. (Torchwood/ Janto)

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Chapter 1

No alarms were blaring as they walked into the Hub, but something was off. Captain Jack Harkness looked back at his team and made a gesture to wait as he unholstered his gun. He turned the corner and scanned the room, finding nothing he holstered his gun and motioned the team forward.

"Toshiko, check the CCTV I want to know if someone's been in here. Gwen, Owen check around  and see if anythings been taken. Ianto you're with me, we have to make sure the prisoners are all still there," Jack ordered as he started to walk away.

"I can save you the trouble, that seems like a lot of work." A voice said, and within seconds all five guns were drawn . A chair spun around revealing a young girl that couldn't have been older than 20. The only way to describe her was... bright. Her skin had a sun kissed glow that you couldn't find in Cardiff and her hair was a light blonde, almost luminescent. Her eyes looked a little distant as if she were only half there. She eyed the guns with disdain as she stood.

"Hold it right there or I'll shoot," Jack barked as the team spread to circle her.

"Go ahead, although not sure what good it'll do you. Waste of bullets in my opinion." She said in an American accent as she lazily walked around the room.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Owen questioned and her eyes regained some focus as she neared him.

"Owen Harper, pleasure to meet you. What's it like being undead? He must've been really pissed after that one. Oh, and wear a bulletproof vest after they try and destroy the hub," She said standing right in front of him. His gun was resting by the side of her temple and she didn't even flinch. Owen paled considerably and his gun lowered a fraction of an inch.

"H-how did you know that? And why do I need to wear a bulletproof vest?"

"Spoilers, can't know too much but just enough to keep you alive. Oh, and same goes for you Toshiko. The bulletproof vest I mean, I'm not as clear about that one," she paused with a hand to her head, "But it can't hurt." They were slowly closing in on her realizing she was unarmed.

"Spoilers? About what?" Gwen asked.

"Oh Gwen," She sighed shaking her head and walked towards her. "You just couldn't help it, could you? And poor, poor Rhys. His accusations of you were kind of right. You have to admit he has plausible cause for being jealous,"She was an inch from Gwen's face now. "You did sleep with Owen. Not that I blame you he is rather attractive but..." She trailed off shrugging.

Ianto finally grabbed her hands and pinned them together as he patted her down for weapons.

"Ianto Jones," The blonde actually sounded sad, almost heartbroken." You need to wear a gas mask or or an oxygen mask or something." She turned toward him breaking out of his grip with ease and gripping his jacket, as she looked into his eyes the sounds of his teammates yelling at her to let him go faded as he saw what was probably the most heartbreaking scene unfold before him.

"You have to get out of here Ianto, the toxins will kill you." Jack said rushing toward him.

"It's too late Jack, I already breathed in the air." He saw himself respond.

He saw Jack cradling his head as he pleaded for him to never to forget him. Jack was crying and the whole scene looked so real he tried to run over and help but a hand held him back. Looking next to him the girl was gripping his hand so tightly her knuckles were turning white.

"We have to go and help me! I can't just die." Ianto said and he noticed some tears leaking from the girls eyes.

"That's just it Ianto," she turned toward him and gripped his hands tightly. "We may as well be ghosts, I have no real power here. You need will need to prevent yourself from dying."

"How can you know this? Who are you?"

"We better be getting back, I'm probably chock full of bullets at this point. Do me a favor, just don't move my body for a few minutes." She winked and then he had a distinct feeling of falling.

He started screaming it felt so real. His hair was being whipped around his face. The breath was being vacuumed out of his lungs. He opened his eyes with a gasp and sat upright. Jack was holding him concern written all over his face and Owen was sticking a light in his eyes.

"Where's the girl?" Ianto looked around and saw Gwen and Toshiko standing near the girls limp form. She was covered in blood. Head still reeling from what he'd just been told he tried to stand up and would've fallen if Jack hadn't caught him. He felt a Jack's hand around his waist he could vaguely hear Jack asking what happened.

"She... she showed me my death," He said shakily as he still stared at the girls still form. "It was from a toxin, a kind of gas. We were in an old building, you and I. You were telling me we needed to get out of there but I'd already breathed in the gas. You held me as I died in your arms." He finished and wiped his eyes.

"Of course you blamed yourself for his death yada, yada, yada lots of I love you's and don't forget me's. I cried." Said the girl in her feet once more.

"What did you do to him?" Jack asked walking toward her threateningly.

"I showed him a way to save himself, Captain Jack Harkness," she put air quotes around his name and he looked at her in mild shock.

"What that's a secret now, Mr. Face of Boe?" She smirked devilishly.

"How do you know about that?" He stood right in front of her and grabbed her. He dragged her over to a chair and strapped her in so she could barely move a muscle, still she smirked.


"I want Owen to be here, this concerns him as well I suppose."

"You don't get to give the orders around here." He stood over her.

"No, I suppose I don't but I do think he would want to know how I can help him in return for his service." She said in a bored tone.

"How you can help him with what?" He asked. And she made the motion of zipping up her lips and throwing away the key. She had broken free of two of her bonds sitting right under him. He frowned in concern as Owen entered the room and stood in the corner.

"Now, talk. Name of species and planet of origin."

"Well I suppose I should answer all of your questions shouldn't I? Well for start names have power so you can call me Felicity for now, I'll elaborate more on that later. I'm not really sure of my species per say but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one of my kind. I have lived on earth but I've traveled a bit of everywhere. Now for question time." She rubbed her hands together and Jack reached over and roughly tugged handcuffs back on her wrist.

"How is it you want to help me?" Owen said eyeing Felicity wearily from the wall.

"Well I don't know about you guys but my family is kind of messed up so when one of them makes a mistake or does something I don't agree with I fix it." She seemed to glow underneath the harsh fluorescent lights.

"What do you mean you're one of a kind?" Jack asked

"Well I was left on my mothers doorstep when I was younger, she was a Time Lord. I can only assume I'm part Time Lord as I have two hearts an-"

"You're a Time Lord?" Jack said intrigued.

"Well if you'd let me finish. I have some certain properties that other Time Lords didn't have. Which worried my parents at a young age so they sent me to earth. I grew up in New York which I blame for my somewhat for my current demeanor." Felicity answered.

"How are you different than a regular Time Lord?" Owen asked.

"Well I could give you some long list of differences but I don't even completely know what they are as I haven't actually encountered another Time Lord after I was sent to earth. Except for The Master and he was a douchebag so I got outta there real quick. But the short version is that I am Lea Isabella Felicity Evergreen, my brother is Death and I am Life." She smiled.


This is really different from anything else I've ever written and it's really more of a self indulgent story that I'm writing than for votes and comments. It's a spinoff of the British show Torchwood which I love. If you've never seen it it's on netflix and it's amazing.

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