wych-hunter Thaniel rashel fox

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Wych-hunter thaniel rashel fox

Wych-hunter Thaniel is sure of everything, but when the beautiful Alec Clayton comes into her life she is made to question everything.

But when Thaniel is bewitched into the world of the dead, will he do anything in his power to get her back.

"Make sure you stay close," shouted mum, walking through the rough thicket just missing a low tree branch, 10 feet in front, "dont wont to get lost now." Walking with more enthusiasm I raced towards them dragging Timmy along with me.

"Thaniel you hurting me!" whined timmy "slow down, Please."

Letting go of his hand I raced forward "hurry up timmy before we lose them," I shouted back to him, reaching mummy I jumped in triumph, looking back for timmy, but only seeing trees and wood.

"TIMMY, TIMMY," I screamed into the forest.

Pulling mums trousers, tears streaming down my face, I tried to tell her timmy was gone,

" Mum, mum Timmys not here, he's vanished," I crooked to her.

"What do you mean Thaniel? Of coarse he's here, he was just with you," whispered mum leaning towards me, inhaling her perfumy smell, I whimpered into her neck.

Pulling me in front of her she looked deeply into my watery eyes "your telling the truth!" she whispered, shaking her head she shouted to the others " help me! my little boys' disappeared, someone call the police," running into the forest she started crying.

"Timmy, Timmy," rang out across the forest.

Wiping my eyes on the back of my sleeve i started walking slowly I reached a dense thicket: peering into the middle, I saw a man holding a limp boy in his hands chanting quickly to himself, I tried to scream but my voice wouldn't work. The man was looking at me, his dark black eyes piercing my skin, he started towards me dropping the boy in his hands. The boy's face was faced towards me, this time i did scream, "oh god Timmy what has he done to you" I thought whilst scanning the forest for mum. People were running fast towards me, looking back at the man, he gave me one last glance and turned back towards Timmy, picking him up, I heard a deep masculine voice " i'll be back for you!" looking frantically at the man, mum rounded the corner in front of him looking from him to Timmy, she opened her mouth, but the man reached her before she could scream snapping her neck he looked back and whispered " promise."

The police, just didn't understand, they kept asking me how the man could have snapped mums neck with just one twist of his hand.

I told them my thoughts about how i thought he was a wych. but they just thought me crazy. After awhile the man tried to understand, saying " it had been a stressful day for everyone and your eyes could play tricks!"

I was sent to my aunts she had hard hands and hurt when she hugged me to sleep. That night i hide under the bed and cried myself to sleep. sometime during the night i woke with a start, with smoke filling the room, jumping out of the hiding place i ran for the stairs.

By the time i got outside, the fire engine was rolling into the drive.

Aunt hannah didn't make it out of the fire. The police didn't believe me when i said i thought it was that wych from the forest. Having no family left i was sent into care. Knowing he wasn't going to give up i kept myself to myself not wonting to put anyones life in danger again the same way i had with mummy and Timmy.


"Oh god this wych has to die" thought Thaniel whilst picking through the wyches layer. mould roamed freely over the wall tracing the dragon blood that was splattered across the room. Voodoo dolls lined the shelves, green smudged and tattered. Something moved behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2009 ⏰

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