Pines Kittens

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"What do you want Bill?" Dipper yelled at the triangular dream demon.

Bill Cipher somehow looked amused, twirling his black cane and said, "Can't I visit my favourite Pines twins? C'mon, I know you missed me."

"We've defeated you once and you bet we can do it again!" Mabel said, waving her knitting needles at the demon threateningly.

"That was just beginners luck." Bill scoffed.

The twins kept their eyes on Bill as he floated around the room. Bill's eye locked on Mabel's half-knitted sweater sitting on her bed. A kitten was depicted upon it with the words Too Purrfect. Even without a mouth, you could tell he was smirking.

"Tell you what Pine Tree, let's have some fun. I heard you sneeze like a kitten, let's see..." Bill trailed off, observing the twins closely as if trying to determine the best fur pattern.

"What?! I do not sneeze like a kitten! Where have you heard that?" Dipper said quickly, his cheeks tinted red.

"You do sneeze like a kitten, bro bro." Mabel said.

"Mabel!" Dipper whisper-yelled. "Not helping!"

The twins were snapped out of their sibling bickering when Bill exclaimed, "Aha!" A yellow exclamation mark appearing over his pointed head.

The demon snapped his fingers and in a puff of smoke, the twins vanished and two kittens replaced them, one male and one female. The kittens were both cream coloured with white patches on their paws, tail and ears. The only way to differentiate them was that the male one had a circle of white fur around his right eye and mouth. Both were still dressed in their previous clothes, but they were shrunken to cat size.

"There! Aren't you guys adorable?" Bill said happily, floating above the two kittens.

Whoa, what happened? The male kitten said, rubbing his face with his paw.

Dipper! You're a kitten! The female kitten exclaimed, then stared at her own paws. I'm a kitten! This is so COOL!

What? Mabel, this is not cool! WE'RE CATS! Dipper exclaimed, pawing at his ears and face.

His long tail waved in his face and he jumped. Mabel laughed, sprawling onto her belly, she stared at her kittenized brother upside-down.

Meanwhile, Bill doubled over laughing, somewhat maniacally, at the Pines kittens.

Dipper arched his back and hissed at him, all the fur on his back standing on point. Bill! Change us back!

"But you look so much cuter this way." Bill teased, leaning on his black cane.

Dipper grumbled something incoherent and without warning, pounced on the demon. Being not accustomed to having paws instead of legs, he missed, smacking into the closet door with a yelp.

"AHAAHAHAHAHA!" Bill laughed so hard, tears welled up in his eye and he wiped them away, still chuckling.

Dipper wobbled over to his sister in a daze, collapsing halfway there. I'll...Get you...For this! He meowed feebly through puffs of air.

"That reminds me, I gotta go. Have fun!" Bill disappeared, leaving the twins as kittens.

There has to be a way to reverse this. Dipper said, prancing over to where he left his journal.

But being a cat is so much fun. Mabel meowed and jumped onto her bed, she pushed over her basket of yarn. Two balls of yarns fell out and rolled onto the floor. Mabel chased after the ball of yarn cheerfully, meowing and jumping around the room.

Dipper rolled his eyes, using his paws to turn the pages of the journal on the floor. One ball of yarn rolled by in front of him and his cat eyes tracked it as it rolled away. The sudden kitten urge to play was hard to ignore but he averted his eyes from the ball of yarn and continued searching through the journal.

As he flipped through the pages, dust floated up and his cat nose itched.

Hup-CheeYoo! He sneezed.

Aww... Mabel said, Your kitten sneeze is even cuter when you're a kitten!

Mabel! Dipper hissed. We have to find out how to change back. I don't want to stay a cat forever.

Come on, bro bro. Bill was right, we can have some fun while this lasts. Mabel strolled over and plopped down next to her brother, abandoning the ball of yarn.

How is this fun? Dipper swatted away his tail that had poked at his face. How do you control these things?!

Mabel shrugged, her tail curling around her. It's natural.

Yeah, well, it's not natural for me. His tail twitched and thumped on the ground. Getting up, he pinned his tail down with both paws and grabbed it with his small cat fingers. His claws came out and poked his tail making him jump. Ouch!

Mabel meowed, laughing. Dipper grumbled and pushed the brim of his hat up with his paw. Suddenly, the door to their room opened. It was Soos.

"Hey dudes, have you seen my-" Soos stopped when he saw the Pines kittens. His eyes widened and he started backing out of the room slowly, "Uhh...Stan...?"

Soos turned and ran out the door.

After him! Mabel meowed.

The Pines kittens chased after the very confused Soos.

The End

And that was the first one shot. Any helpful pointers or suggestions? (I know the ending was kinda bad) I would love to hear from you, the readers! Anyways, thanks for reading.
*I do not own the fanart displayed above

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