Pines Kittens Part 2

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Requested By Arlina_cat_girl760

As cats, the Pines Kittens chased after the freaked out handyman. Dipper stumbled over his little kitten feet and his tail occasionally got in the way while Mabel pounced gracefully, stopping sometimes to sniff at a crack in the floorboards. With their enhanced grace of felines, the pair caught up to Soos in no time, Mabel lagging behind only a bit. Dipper pounced on Soos from behind. He extended his claws, latching onto Soos' shirt.

Wait! Calm down, Soos- Whoa! Dipper was flung off the handyman with a cattish yelp. He landed on his feet as he reached the ground. Hey, I think I got it-

Mabel crashed Dipper, sending both of them sprawling across the ground.

Mabel. Dipper groaned, his cap falling in front of his face.

Mabel giggled- in the best of her ability as a cat anyway- and said, Sorry, Dip.

"Who are you dudes and what've you done to Dipper and Mabel?" Soos narrowed his eyes at them and asked, holding a screwdriver pointed at them because you never know what a pair of kittens could do.

Soos, it's us! We've been turned into fluffy and adorable cats. Mabel meowed, getting off Dipper.

Dipper adjusted the bill of his cap. Mabel, we're cats. He can't understand us.

Oh, right.

Soos took a step back. "Are you some kind of aliens that have come to replace the human race?! If so, that will be so cool."

Aliens? I didn't know aliens looked like cats! Mabel squealed in excitement.

Aliens don't look like cats, Mabel. Dipper sighed in frustration, shaking his head in response to Soos' question.

"Okay, so not aliens." Soos thought for a moment, crouching down. "Quick question, are you really Dipper and Mabel?"

YES! They meowed in unison.

"Then what's Dipper's favourite colour?" Soos questioned them.

Dipper grunted, shaking off his hat and placing his cream and white coloured paw on the blue brim.

"Whoa, really? I totally didn't know that. I guess you guys really are them. But what happened to you guys? You look more like cats than the last time I saw you."

That's because Bill turned us into cats! Mabel said.

He can't understand us remember? Dipper reminded his twin, rolling his eyes. He managed to set his pine tree hat back atop his head.

Oh yeah. She said, sitting down.

Both cats turned back to look at Soos when he spoke.

"So is this some kind of body switching problem?" Soos twirled his fingers in an exchanging gesture.

How do we tell him when he doesn't understand what we say? Dipper started pacing.

Hey, bro, come look. Mabel meowed.

She had walked over to the corner of the hallway, where dust collected in the corner of the old shack. The female kitten swatted the ground with her paw and a cloud of dust flew up, shimmering in the air. Mabel laughed as the dust particles landed on her little nose. She licked her paw and swiped at her nose with it.

It's not a pen and paper but it's better than nothing. Dipper said, walking over as well. These cat paws can't hold a pencil anyway.

In the patch of dust, Dipper started dragging his paw around, forming letters then words then a full sentence. Soos scooted closer curiously, watching as the male kitten wrote a message in the dust. At last, Dipper sat back and licked his paws.

"Bill turned us into cats. Need to find a way to change back." Soos read. "Whoa, you mean that triangle dude that invaded Stan's mind?"

The two kittens meowed in unison.

"And you need my help?"

They meowed again.

"Sweet!" Soos exclaimed, then suddenly had a faraway look in his eyes as he gazed at nothing in particular. "When their friends are in trouble, only one handyman can fix them."

Who is he talking to? Mabel whispered to Dipper.

Her twin shrugged in response, watching as Soos came back from whatever fantasy he went into.

"So... how are we gonna do this?" He asked, clueless.

Dipper sighed. He used his tail to spread the dust till it was even again and wrote more.

"Get...The journal." Soos squinted and read out. "Okay, good idea guys. Let's go."

Soos and the two Pines Kittens made their way back to their room, where the journal was left on the floor. Soos picked it up, stared at it for a while and started tilting it around. Dipper sighed exasperatedly, jumping onto his bed.

Looks like someone's a grouchy cat. Mabel teased, jumping up beside him.

I just don't see how you're taking to being a cat so well. What if it's permanent?! Dipper started scratching behind his ear with his back leg, pushing his hat askew. And why am I so itchy?

Mabel laughed, which came out as a series of high pitched meows. Come on, Dip-stick, it's all part of the cat experience! Without warning, she pounced on him and started tickling him with her tiny cat paws.

Mabel- Ahahah- Stop! Dipper managed, trying to push away. Who knew cats could be ticklish?

"Dudes, I think I found something!" Soos said, unintentionally saving Dipper from being tickled any further. He pointed to a page on the journal displaying an intricate drawing of a cave in the side of a cliff.

'The Cat Lady's Cave', it said on the bottom.

A cat lady? Dipper said skeptically, walking to the corner of the bed to take a closer look.

Maybe she keeps a bunch of cats in that cave. Mabel chimed in.

"It says that cats are seen going in, but people come out." Soos read. "Is this the right page?"

That'll work. Dipper meowed, jumping off the bed and landing on his paws. Good job, Soos.

To the cave! Mabel pranced after her twin with Soos following close behind, journal in hand.

Honestly, I'm just going with the flow for this one. And yes, there is going to be a part 3 because I felt that this one didn't end on a very final note. Part 3 might be out in a few days, a week at most. Anyways, thanks for all the reads on this!

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