Pine Kittens Part 3

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Now all we have to do is find the cave and get this nightmare over with. Dipper said as they followed the map drawn in the journal to the 'Cat Lady's Cave'.

The only minor setback was that the cave was in the forest on the other side of town. They could have just walked through the woods in that general direction, but Dipper decided not to risk it. There were plenty of creatures in there that would find two kittens to be a tasty snack, supernatural and natural alike. And so the two Pines Kittens and Soos walked through town.

Whoa! The town looks so weird from this angle, it's like we're shrunk again. Mabel said, her amber cat eyes surveying the town.

Dipper agreed. Now Dipper understood why cats were so jumpy all the time, it's like every sound and sight was amplified with their sharp cat senses.

"So are you dudes just planning on going in there and you know, get changed back into people?" Soos asked suddenly.

Hopefully. Dipper meowed quietly.

Hey, look! A butterfly! Mabel pranced off in pursuit of a brightly coloured butterfly, completely forgetting about their current mission.

Mabel, come back! Dipper ran across Soos' path, causing the handyman to stumble backwards. He didn't stop and dashed forward.


That made the male kitten stopped dead in his tracks and turned his head to look behind him.

It was Pacifica.

Oh no. How does she know it's me? Just then, the brim of his over-sized Pine Tree hat fell in front of his face. Oh right, the hat. How am I supposed to explain to her how this happened? Dipper panicked, pushing up the hat. In an attempt to just get away now, he continued to chase after his sister.

"Dipper, wait!" Both Soos and Pacifica called after him. The sound of running footsteps told him they were coming.

Thanks to his new found cat agility, Dipper caught up to Mabel in no time. He crashed into her, to be more precise. The two kittens tumbled forward, rolling across the grass and finally coming to a stop in front of a cliff face.

Dipper didn't even realize they had ran into the forest. He got up, shaking off the leaves stuck to his fur and face.

"Hey dudes," Soos panted, coming to a stop behind them and leaned on a tree for support. "You move fast."

Pacifica was next to arrive, which surprised all of them.

Mabel jumped up, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Hey Pacifica!

"M-Mabel? Is it you?" Pacifica stared, wide-eyed. "How are you...cats?"

Dipper gave Soos a look, like please help explain.

"Um so, they got turned into cats by this triangle guy and now they want to turn back." Soos explained as best he could, twirling his fingers around in an exchanging gesture.

"Well, I'm coming too." Nobody stopped her.

Um, Dip? Mabel said, flicking her tail in Dipper's face.

What? Dipper turned around to face his sister.

Look. Mabel cast her gaze from Dipper to something in front of her.

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