His story

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I'm back! Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me~ Anywho, here's a short thing I wrote quite some time ago. I originally wrote this for a contest entry on WriterFalls (If you didn't know about this, I'd recommend you to check it out. It's a really cool Gravity Falls club like thing) But I sorta chickened out. Well, here it is!

Sometimes Stan wondered if it was for the best. Without him in the picture, Stanford wouldn't have any distractions, he could pursue his dreams. Maybe their father would even pull up enough money to send him to a good college, perhaps it wouldn't be as good as that fancy one out of states but at least better than Backupsmore University, surely.

However, when he thought about his own future, his own life, the despair set back in. They abandoned him, over a stupid accident! Plus, it was supposed to be him and Stanford against the world. What happened to everything they'd been through? All they'd done together?

Those were the thoughts running through Stanley's head as his car drove farther and farther away from New Jersey, his home, his family, his twin. He slumped down in his seat with a groan, hands tightening around the steering wheel.

As things were at the moment, he had nothing to do, nowhere to go. The road ahead was looking pretty bleak, and that wasn't just because of the lack of streetlights.

But one thing was certain, Stan intended to make good on his promise.

He would become rich, one way or another, and then they'll see. He wasn't a screw up or a disappointment, he was Stanley Pines and he could get through anything, with or without them.


Stan crossed out another city off his map. Business was rough, but it was enough to get him some food, before everyone found out his was a fraud.

He tossed the box of 'Rip Off!', the bandages that weren't supposed to give you rashes, and his new product, into a pile of old merchandise stacking up in the corner of the room. Stan had only been in Pennsylvania for a few weeks, under the fake identity of Steve Pinington. Sales were fairly good here, but it wouldn't be long before the mob came along.

Stan plopped down onto the worn couch he used as a bed and sighed. If you asked him a few months ago, he never would've though he would have to lie for a living.

He cast a longing look at the calendar that hung beside the door and absently scratched at the bandage stuck across a small cut he got a few days ago. Red crosses counted the days. In a few more, he would be long gone from here, ready to start fresh somewhere else, where some other suckers would undoubtedly fall for his scams. And then what? The cycle would most likely continue.

A sting of pain jolted Stan out of his thoughts, it appeared he had scratched out the bandage in his carelessness. Under the sticky band, a rash was already starting to form. Yup, they definitely gave you rashes.


Jail was a hard, cold place. Lucky for Stan, he had been in quite a few of them and the dank cells didn't bother him as much anymore. Though he thought the handcuffs were a little unnecessary.

An officer came by his cell door and unlocked it. Stan jumped up from his seat on the bench. He would've made a run for it if that officer hadn't been in the way of the door.

"See, officer?" Stan said quickly. "I'm innocent! Now you have to let me go."


The officer backed up a step at Stan's outburst. He sneered, in a way that harshly reminded Stan that he was seen as a criminal here.

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