Scrapped Part

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Here's a small excerpt from my one-shot 'Escaped'. I scrapped this part mostly because I felt it didn't fit in well ;p  I would recommend reading that one shot, but you don't have to. (Shameless self promotion *facepalm*)

It was bright, and empty. He didn't like that very much, though he wasn't sure why. He also wasn't sure where he was, or how he got there. Heck, he wasn't even sure who he was.

Stanley. Stanley Pines.

Oh, that's right. It was coming back again. Stan could have laughed in relief. He almost forgot for a second there.

Okay, Stan thought. Now he knew who he was, but the question remained: Where was he?

"Ford?" he called. Who was that? His brother, right. "Kids?" Dipper and Mabel.

Stan turned in a circle, very slowly. Was he in his mindscape? It all seemed so familiar, yet it wasn't at the same time. As he turned all the way around, Stan was met with a yellow, top hat wearing, geometrical, triangle.

Bill. Bill Cipher.

Stan sprang away from the demon at speeds he never knew his aged body could achieve. He almost gave himself a heart attack.

"Whoa there, Stan." Bill chuckled. He hovered a few feet away from Stanley, at eye level. "Don't get a heart attack. I would say that you're not 92 yet, but that line's been used."

Stan sputtered, "How are you still in my head? We erased you!"

Bill shrugged, but Stan noticed something a about him. Maybe it was his charred top hat, maybe it was the way his body kept flickering, or perhaps Stan was just dazed.

"It was a good shot," Bill admitted. "But a memory gun can't get rid of me."

"Besides," he continued, floating closer to Stan. Stan backed up, but suddenly found that his back bumped against a solid surface. "It wasn't me who was set to be erased."

"Wh-what?" Confused, Stan grasped for the memory, only coming up with shards and pieces of it.

"You don't know, do you?" Bill snickered, looking very much amused. "That brother of yours, Stanford, set the gun to erase you. 'Stanley Pines'."

Stan was slowly inching his way along the invisible wall, but froze at Bill's statement.

"Yeah, that's right." the demon circled around Stan, laughing. "Did he really think that by erasing you, he could get rid of me? Or did he just want to get rid of you?"

"No!" Stan snarled. "Ford would never." Even as he said it, Stan could hear his own doubts surface. He pushed them back down.

"Believe what you want," Bill shrugged. "I only asked an audience with you to get what I wanted."

"And what's that?"

"You see, an old friend of mine is back and I believe she's looking for me."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"It's what this has to do with your whole family to be precise," Bill rolled his eye and came to a hovering stop right in front of Stan's face.

"You can't hurt them while you're in here." Stan said, pointing to his head. As much as Stan hated knowing Bill was still alive, in his head no less, at least he knew this way, Bill couldn't hurt the people he cared about.

"Exactly." Bill's eye flashed red. Stan gulped.

"In a while, she's gonna help restore my physical form," Bill continued, "But I need to be there, and I would believe she'll track me down to here—in your mind."

"I might not be able to do anything, but she certainly can. And that family of yours certainly won't give you up without a fight."

Stan paled. Bill was right. By keeping the demon in his mind, he would risk another demon coming to threaten his family; by letting the demon out, he would risk a repeat of Weirdmageddon.

Bill must've seen the conflict on Stan's face because he said, "Looks like a crossroads, eh pal?" he snickered, "Listen, what do you say we make a"

He slung his hand over Stan's shoulder and peered at him from the corner of his eye. Stan tried to push the demon off, but his hands phased right through. It seemed physical contact didn't go both ways. Bill was still as untouchable as a ghost, actually, he was supposed to be a ghost anyway.

"What would make you think I'd want to make a deal with you?" Stan snapped. He moved away from Bill, but soon smacked into another solid surface that wasn't there before. Stretching his arms out, Stan found himself surrounded on all sides by an invisible force.

"I don't know," Bill said sarcastically, letting his arm drop. "It just looked to me like you wanted to protect your family. If you let me use your body, just for a while, I could leave your mind and I'd promise to not touch them. Two for the price of one."

Stan opened his mouth to refuse, but hesitated. It all came back to this: his family and the apocalypse. He couldn't let his family get hurt because of him, but would sacrificing the whole town—maybe even the world—be fair?

Bill stretched his hand, engulfed in flickering blue flames towards Stan.

"Come on, Stanley. Just shake my hand."

Stan watched as his hand slowly move closer to Bill's, reaching out to take it.

Then stopped.

"No." he said. The one word clearly rang around the devoid space of his mindscape and he shook his head, retracting his hand.

"What?" Bill said, his voice had turned dark.

"I said no, you triangle freak!" Stan yelled, and suddenly, he lunged at the demon—passing through harmlessly.

Bill grew in size until he towered over the fallen man, his eye had turned black and his iris red.

"I didn't want to do this, Stan." The demon roared impatiently. He took one step forward and shook the whole mindscape as his foot came crashing down, right beside Stan's prone body. The man scrambled back.


And Bill's fist came flying at Stan's face.


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