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"(Y/n), he's evil. You have to believe us!" Dipper pleaded, his eyes never leaving yours.

You growled, placing both hands on your temples.

"You can't tell me what to do!" You screamed at him, the tears threatening to spill. "You ask me to believe you but you don't even trust me! I know you don't trust me with my powers, I can hear your thoughts now. YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!"

The intensity of your tone shocked Dipper and he took a step back.

"I..." Dipper couldn't say anything, the words were stuck in his throat.

You wiped away any signs of tears from your face, a (f/c) aura was glowing around you.

"Bill was right. All of you will never understand." You growled, hands clenching into fists.

The wind picked up, it was blowing so hard Dipper had to hold onto his hat to keep it from flying away. Stray papers blew around in a small vortex surrounding you, keeping Dipper at bay.

He managed to find his voice amidst the chaos.

"I-I've always trusted you. Don't listen to Bill, he's trying to trick you and you're just walking further into his grasp! We do understand, just give us a chance!"

"Lies. I know what you're thinking, you can't hide your thoughts from me." You snarled. "Your chances have expired, Pine Tree."

The way you refused to say Dipper's name, made tears come to his eyes and he felt something in his chest break. He was losing you.

"And in time," You smirked and continued in almost a demonic tone, "So will you."

"What?" Dipper's vision was blurry. "No! (Y/n), don't do this."

You ignored him, turning around to face the triangular shaped window. The swirling vortex around you spun faster and faster, making Dipper's vest and shirt whip around as he struggled to stay on his feet.

He tried to walk forward, to reach you, but the wind kept him back.

"I'm ready to go, Bill." You said, still facing away from Dipper.

He knew what was going to happen. He fought desperately against the air currents, his shoes couldn't find traction on the wooden floor, yet he was slowly gaining ground. He had to get to you, he had to.

The room started to glow with a blinding white light.

You turned around one last time to face Dipper, your face flashing with sadness for a fraction of a second and whispered, "Bye."

Your last word was carried away by the wind, the blinding light engulfing your whole body.

"NO!" Dipper reached his hand out to grab you.

With a flash, you were already gone.

His fingers swiped the empty air where you hand had been only seconds before. The wind died down immediately, sending a blast of wind outwards, knocking Dipper to the floor.

His brain couldn't process everything that just happened and he stared blankly at the spot you disappeared.

You were gone, lost, taken from him.

But he swore to find you again.

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