The Final Chapter

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"Josh where did you go? You made me look like an idiot out there!" I say to him, once I reach the top of the stairs.

He turns around slowly, "I made you look like an idiot?! You made yourself look like an idiot. You were never supposed to mention me to anyone. You knew this would happen."

"What are you talking about?" I'm so confused at this point. Nothing makes any sense.

"Tyler, I am you." The wind picks up and is almost blowing me over now.

I scream back, "What?!"

"I am just an image of your imagination that you created because you didn't think you could become what you are now, what we are now. I am a part of you that you can't let go of."

This can't be true. Of course Josh is real.

"Of course I'm real," Josh says, interrupting my thoughts. "I'm just only real to you. No one else sees me or hears me. I'm here to help you because you needed me in order to achieve your goals. Without me, you would be a nobody. Homeless on the side of the street still probably."

Everything goes silent after this to me. I think I'm going crazy. This might finally be the end.


Josh's mouth is still moving but I don't know what he is saying.

But it's not really Josh, it's me.

How did I get this fucked up?


All I hear is my heart beat now.

Thump, thump

"GO AWAY!" I scream at Josh.

Thump, thump

I don't hear him respond, even though he's yelling at me now over the strong winds.


Thump, thump

The tears come streaming down my face now, and my body shakes violently, uncontrollably.

Thump, thump

I can't be this crazy, Josh has to be real.

Thump, thump

I am numb now, except for the short, ragged breaths that come in and out of me.

Thump, thump

Josh is still yelling but I don't care. I just can't do this anymore.

Thump, thump

I turn my back to Josh and walk up to the side of the building and look out over the city of lights. The city of paper. Paper towns, paper people. Just like Josh. Not even real.

Thump, thump

Just like me.

Thump, thump

I turn around to look at Josh one last time as I step out onto the buildings ledge.

Thump, thump

"Josh," I scream at him as the wind whips around the both of us.

Thump, thump

"A kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me. Don't leave me alone!"

Thump, thump

I look back to the city.

Thump, thump

I take my final breath.

Thump, thump





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Josh, you're out of the bandWhere stories live. Discover now