A New Purpose

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The next few months are the best of my life.

I can't even describe the rush I get whenever me and Josh perform.

It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Purpose is starting to surface.

The crowds keep getting larger and we keep getting bigger, better places let us have shows. We've even had some manager offers and chances at record labels but me and Josh haven't really talked much about what we want to do yet.

Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory, or one of unthinkable horror. I'm not sure which one it is yet.

A few weeks ago Josh and I finally picked a name for our band.

Twenty one pilots.

It was because of the play Mrs. Peabody made me go see. By now, maybe we will be famous enough that you already know the story, so I won't go into much detail.

As much as I love these highs that I get when Josh and I perform, I can come down pretty quickly and hit the ground.

And it hurts so much.

Nobody must think like I think.

But it's okay sometimes, because in the darkest of times, I can write some of my best lyrics. These are the one's that I want everyone to be able to relate to and can let out if they are holding them in like I am.

Every single day I love what I do. Whether it be performing, creating more music with Josh, or even going to that dark place that I've learned to adore because of the greatness that I can pull from it.

I just don't even know how to express what I am.

What I am becoming.

What am I becoming

Our biggest concert so far has been booked for tomorrow night

We are playing some new songs in front of a very big crowd and I am very nervous.

I don't know if I can talk and sing about these deep dark places anymore to people who are starting to like us for sounding good, not because they relate to what we are trying to portray.

I don't think I can do this anymore.

But I can try, because I can't let them down, and I certainly can't let Josh down.

Josh, you're out of the bandWhere stories live. Discover now