The Big Night

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This is the Big concert.

Several hundreds of thousands of people.

This is a bit much.

I just decide to sing my heart out as Josh plays his heart out.

There is so much energy and it vibrates throughout me. I just let go and don't care about what happens or how we sound at that point.

At the end, I am saying my goodbyes to the screaming fans as Josh joins me front and center on the stage.

I realize that I never give him much credit.

So I tell the fans that this guy is pretty amazing.

And everybody goes silent.

They look at me like I'm crazy.

I know that I am.

My brother is motioning me off the stage.

Everyone in the crowd is mimicking my confused look. Some people clap slowly and hesitantly. Others just stand dumb founded.

"What the heck are you doing Tyler?!" Zack tells me.

I reply simply, "I was giving Josh some credit. I always forget to."

"Who is Josh?"

"The drummer," I don't know why everyone is so confused.

"Ok, Tyler. I'm going to tell you something that I hope you take to heart."

I've already zoned out. There's no point in me listening. I'm just as confused as everyone else.

Zack continues, "Time gains momentum the moment when I'm living in 'em. I'm winning a momentary sinning a moment passing after. A re-beginning moments mending memories pretending enemies are friends of me. My bad behavior but I bet I could have been a better man."

I have no clue what he is talking about. I don't really care either. I just have to find Josh now.

I push Zack out of the way and then start running around backstage looking everywhere for him. I ask everyone I see but they all look at me like I'm crazy.

But then I see him finally going towards the stairs across the room.

I push everyone out of the way and start screaming at him to stop.

After reaching the staircase, I run faster than I ever have before, trying to get to Josh.

Why would he do this to me?

Why would he do this to us?

We've been through this all and now he just ditches me makes everyone think that I am going crazy.

If only I would have known better.

Josh, you're out of the bandWhere stories live. Discover now