A Dream

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Today is Monday. That means it's time to see Mrs. Pearson. Oh what fun.

I wake up at 7 o'clock to make sure that I can get to her office by 8. My mom offers to drive me, but I enjoy taking the city bus instead. So, I walk about three blocks to the bus station and wait.

I am actually excited to see her today. I had a dream in the night, and in that dream I saw myself on a stage, singing my heart out to lyrics that mean something to me. Maybe I can use some of the good journal entries to make something good.

Mrs. Pearson will be just delighted by this news.

That's exactly why I don't tell her.

Instead I tell her that I had a miraculous dream last night (which I did), and that I want to start doing poetry (close to the truth). I asked for my old journals that she's kept for back so that I can start to rewrite some of the stuff into "poems." Really, I'll be using them to make songs of course, but she doesn't need to know that I actually have a goal in mind now.

She takes this news well, and searches through her file cabinets until she finds my folder. She pulls it out and sets it on the desk to start looking through. She pulls out each one of the journals, and I try to sneak a peak at any possible information that she would have in their about "The Incident" but if she did, she kept it covered.

Mrs. Pearson gives them to me on my way out. She tells me to have a good day and that she'll see me tomorrow.

I leave the office and walk to the nearby Starbucks. I order my usual and sit in my usual spot. Then I pull out my journals and start to write.

I've never written like this before.

The deep feeling that I keep getting in my chest that keeps me up at night and strains my breathing and my thinking.

I've given him a name, Blurryface.

He has been here ever since "The Incident" and I didn't think he would ever go away.

But now I will write him away.

All my fears and all my doubts will become known as I write down everything that crosses my messed up mind.

Blurryface will not trump over me anymore.

I am Tyler Joseph. Not a mere image of Blurryface.

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