The First Big Night

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Tonight is our "concert" at the coffee shop.

I'm really nervous because I doubt anybody will understand what me and Josh are trying to accomplish.

I sit on the bench waiting for the bus to come by and take me downtown. Josh has all the equipment and his drum set, so all I had to bring was my mask and my beat up piano. I took the piano over earlier with Josh, since you can't bring a piano on a bus.

I pull on my mask and decide to look through it with different perspective. I need some way that people will pay attention and also so that I can hide my face, which is hard to explain.

The bus pulls up and stops. I pay the small fee and the go about 4 rows back and sit alone.

I close my eyes and just let my mind take over for a second.

I open them finally when someone sits down next to me.

Jumping a little, I realize that it is Josh.

He looks at me with his little smile and says, "Are you ready for tonight?" He puts his hand on my shoulder after seeing he startled me.

"You know, Josh, I think I've been ready for a while now. But I am still nervous," I reply.

Josh laughs a little at this, "Yeah, I know what you mean. It's going to be hard but I think this little concert is just the start of something that could be big."

I just nod, and look out at the city passing by.

"Tyler, this is our first concert. Have a little fun," and then the bus slows and stops at the coffee shop.

We get off and fun is not even near what I felt then.

I knew we had something good going on.

I have to stay alive for this now.

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