Chapter 3

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Allysa's P.O.V

They were catching on fast. One more slip up and they would know.

I didn't know how much longer I could go before they found out I was the killer.

I was the one who was leaving the trail of bodies. Sarah because she had always tormented me, I told her to watch her back and now look what happened. Kyle because he dumped me.

Now Jenna was my next target. She went behind my back and dated Kyle when she knew I was still in love with him! She didn't even tell me! I didn't care if she was supposedly my best friend, she was going to die.

I knew the perfect way to freak her out. One by one her family will die before I finally make it to her.

I grab my jacket and head outside and begin my walk to Jenna's house.


Jenna's mom answers the door and I smile sweetly.

"Hi Mrs Selbey!" I say cheerily, "Is Jenna home?"

"No actually, she just left with Bailey," Mrs Selbey says.

"Oh good, Jailin and I were planning a um, a funeral for Kyle... Yeah Jenna was heartbroken... We thought it would be nice for her..." I sniffle and pretend to start crying, "He was a really good friend to me too."

"Aw, sweetie of course," Jenna's mom touches my arm and it takes everything I have not to tear her arm off. She steps aside and lets me into the house.

I say my thanks to Jenna's mom and I head up to Jailin's room.

I knock softly, but get no answer. I knock a bit louder, nothing. Ugh, seriously? I try the door handle. Locked. Ugh, teenagers.

I step back away from the door and close my eyes. I kick open the door and Jailin nearly jumps out of her skin. Her headphones fall off her head and she stares at me with wide eyes.

"How the hell did you do that?!" she asks, kinda breathless. Her eyes were shiny and her hair was tousled. I could tell she had been crying and she was using music as her escape.

I put on a smile and shrug, giggling, "I dunno, wanna go for a walk?" I ask, quickly slipping over her question.

"Where's Jenna?" she asks suspiciously.

"She went out with Bailey, I uh wanted you to help me plan a funeral for Kyle... Just a little surprise for Jenna," I shrug repeating the same lie I told Jenna's mom.

"Shouldn't Jenna help us? He was her boyfriend," Jailin narrows her eyes.

My eyes flash red as I get angrier. Why did she have to be so difficult? I grab her shoulders roughly and look into her eyes. "You'll go with me for a walk and you'll like it..." I say in my sweetest voice, hypnotizing her.

She nods slowly.

I release her shoulders and my eyes return to their usual bluish-green colour.

I stand up and my sweet, charming smile returns.

"Let's go then shall we?" I say, cheerily.

Jailin stands up almost like in a tranz and I link my arm through hers. We walk downstairs and outside.

I lead Jailin away from the house until we reach the forest.

"So Jailin, why were you crying, honey?" I ask, sweetly.

"Kyle... Was like a brother to me..." Jailin sobs, her eyes filling with tears again.

"Aw honey, I know exactly how you feel," I sigh, "Even though Jenna was with Kyle I was still in love with him... I miss him too... But it will get better..."

"It will?" She asks.

I nod. "I actually think I might be able to help."

"Really?" she scoffs, "how?"

I pull out a knife and grab her by the neck, pinning her to a tree.

"Scream and this will be a whole lot worse," I growl.

"All-ysa," she gasps for air and claws at my hand that is still around her throat.

"Yeah, your sister stole my boyfriend and I killed Kyle for dumping me for my so called friend, now her family will pay the price," I growl again taking the knife I start at her eyebrow and slide it down to her neck leaving a big scratch gushing out blood. Then I slit her throat.

Her eyes go wide and she falls to the ground.

I drag my finger down the side of her face and grin. In the dirt in her blood I write: I did her a favor, she's with Kyle now. You're next Jenna!

I stand up and wipe my hands along my jeans, leaving a streak of blood.

I walk out of the forest, leaving Jailin to die.


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