Chapter 11

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Bailey's P.O.V

                My lungs continued to fill with air but all I could see was darkness. I could hear everything around me but no matter how hard I tried my eyes would not open.

I heard the crunching of leaves as footsteps came running through the woods. They sounded urgent. I heard a faint cry come from a woman.

Pretty soon I can hear the sound of sirens. I try to open my eyes, my mouth to tell them that I'm okay but I can't.

I want to tell them to go get Jenna who is probably still bleeding, but no words come out.

I feel myself lift up off the ground, like I'm floating.

What was happening to me? Why couldn't I see? Why could I breathe? I should be dead.

Allysa... Allysa did this! I feel my body fill with white hot rage.

She was responsible for everything! My own friend! She killed Jenna! And who knows what else she's capable of!

And how come Allysa was the only person I could remember right now...? I couldn't even remember what my name was...

I wonder where these people are taking me...

The car stops and I'm lifted out. I feel myself being carried and then I feel the softness of bed sheets as I am put down. Then... silence... I wait a heartbeat until I hear the door open.

Ugh! Why wouldn't my damn eyes open?!

"So what happened ma'am?" I hear a deep husky male voice. I hear a woman start sobbing as she tries to explain.

"I-I don't know, I-I just... she just... d-didn't come home f-for dinner," the woman hiccups, "I went looking for her... She-she's still breathing right?"

I feel something cold against my chest and my heart rate picks up. I just want to scream at them to stop! To get away from me but I am immobile.

"Yes, ma'am, she's breathing, I'm going to run some tests alright?" the man says.

I feel myself moving again.

I wish everyone would leave me alone!

I stop moving and feel the coldness of something being attached to my body.

My heart rate starts to rise as I remember pieces of what Allysa did. A knife. Red eyes. The crack of my skull against a tree.

The images keep flashing through my mind and my body thrashes around the bed. I want to scream, to cry, but all I can do is freak out.

I hear a shout and then footsteps. Hands press against my arms and legs as people attempt to hold me down.

I feel a prick in my arm and then I am still and all noise fades around me.


Your daughter is in a coma ma'am," is the first thing that comes to my ears.

"A-a coma?" the woman's voice, "Well, what-what happened?"

"She must have hit her head on something, there's a pretty bad bump on the back of her head, she has a concussion, it also looks like someone was choking her... she has bruises on her neck..." the man says.

I tried to open my eyes but I still couldn't see.

I couldn't remember what had happened before I started thrashing around the bed...

What was happening to me...?

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