Chapter 1

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Edited: 20/08/2018

When I woke up, it was dark; as if every ounce of light had been taken away from the world. I groaned softly, a pain residing in my head that felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. Well, I could only imagine it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Honestly, I don't remember much from before. Sure, I remember the simple things, like how to ride a bike, or how to swim. It was like my brain had been rewired, to remember the basics, but to forget everything that made me, me. I didn't know my favourite food, or who my family was. I didn't even know my own name. Out of all the things to forget...

I ignored my inner battle, throwing my head back in annoyance. I had no idea where the hell I was. It felt like I was moving, sorta like the sensation you have when you're going up or down in a really old elevator. If I was claustrophobic, this situation would be much worse. I sighed, moving my hands around awkwardly in the dark, until I found a ledge to grab onto, using it to hoist myself up onto my feet. My body moved almost automatically, as if it knew just what to do, as if my mind had been prepared for this situation already, and I just didn't know it yet. It felt strange, to not know the reason behind your thoughts and emotions. It almost made me angry.

I sighed, leaning my head against the wall of the box I was contained in, wondering when it would stop, and what was waiting for me at the top.

"What did I do to get myself put in here of all places?"

As soon as the thought passed my lips, the moving stopped completely. I was thrown forward at the sudden halt of movement, wincing when my head impacted the other side of the 'elevator'.

"Well, that helps my headache." I muttered, waiting for something, anything to happen. I knew that deep down, I should have been fearful of what awaited me, but instead, all I felt was relief. I would finally be out of this thing.

The sound of metal doors being forced open caused me to look up, my eyes widening. This was it.

Light suddenly found its way into the elevator, and despite the urge to look away, I forced myself to stare up into the brightness, my hand lifting up to shelter my eyes.

"Bloody hell." A voice muttered from above me. I flinched back, bringing my knees up to my chest. Anxiety filled my entire body, and I suddenly felt stupid for not feeling scared earlier.

"What is it?"

"Wow, he must be a pretty ugly if he made Newt speechless!"

"Hurry up and get the Greenie out, ya Shank!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What the heck were a Greenie and a Shank? And what kind of name is Newt?

My vision finally cleared, and I managed to gain the courage to look at the boy who was staring down at me. He had shaggy blonde hair and a strong jaw line. He looked about sixteen, but then again, you can't rely on looks to tell the truth. He didn't look like a bad person though. He actually looked kind of nice.

"Alby, I think you need to come and see this..." Newt said; his voice laced with confusion. I scrunched my nose up in distaste. What is with these weird names? Without a moment of notice, another person appeared above me, staring as if I was some sort of science experiment.

"What the -" The other boy, 'Alby', looked slightly older than Newt, despite the British boy being taller. He was dark skinned, with a short cut hairstyle. He seemed just as confused as Newt, a little scared even. I watched as Alby began to pace back and forth, running a hand through his short hair. Newt just continued to stare at me, causing me look away in discomfort. My eyes began to water slightly out of pure frustration, much to my dismay. I just wanted to know what was going on.

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