Chapter 5

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Edited: 21/08/2018

An alarm sounded over the Glade, causing all the Gladers to glance at each other, knowing looks on everyone's faces.

"Looks like we're having a bonfire tonight." I sighed, following the other boys to the centre of the Glade. This would be the second greenie since I've been here, which means I've been in the Glade for three months. I've been running around the Maze, looking for an escape, for three months. I've been the only girl for three damned months. It's just peachy, really.

I listened quietly at the noises I heard coming from the rising elevator, hating every second of it. If it wasn't for that stupid elevator, I could be home, with my friends and family. We could all be home. If I even had one, that is.

"Hey there, Greenie." Gally said, putting on his intimidating face. I hadn't even realised that the elevator had stopped until he spoke. I rolled my eyes playfully at his act. He may fool everyone else, but he was really just a softie. "Welcome to the Glade."

Some of the boys cheered, and I somehow managed to push myself to the front of the circle. I stared down into the metal box to find a boy, maybe a year or two younger than me. He had really nice green eyes and light blonde hair, so light, that it could've passed as white. He was kind of cute if I was being honest, despite the fact that he looked like he was gonna klunk his pants.

"Gally, stop being such a shank. Can't you see the boys terrified?" I asked, glaring at my friend. Gally just sighed, muttering something about girls and not being able to say no to them. I smirked, before turning my attention back to the new greenie.

"Hey there, are you okay?" I asked, my voice soft. He stared at me with his wide green eyes and I soon started to feel sorry for the kid. After a few moments of no replies, I forced myself to go down into the box. My chest tightened slightly at my familiar surroundings, but I fought to stay calm. I couldn't break down now. I had to be strong for the new kid. Convince him that everything was gonna be fine, even if I didn't exactly believe it myself.

"It stinks down here, right?" I said, laughing quietly. I nervously ran a hand through my messy brown hair, trying to stop my body from shaking. "C-Can we get out of here? It's a lot better up there."

The boy nodded silently, watching as a rope fell down and into the box. I gestured towards the loop in the rope, and his eyes lit up in understanding. Alby lifted him up and out of the box, and he fell onto the grass just like I had done when I first arrived here. I sighed, letting out a shaky breath. I hated being down here, but I couldn't move. It was like the night in the Maze all over again. I was frozen.

"Emma?" A soft voice whispered, wrapping their arms around my body. I jumped slightly, not having noticed that the British boy had jumped down into the elevator as well. "Are you okay, Love?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I lied, pulling away from the boy. Newt watched me like hawk, his eyebrows furrowed. He knew I was lying. He always did.


I smiled fondly at the other Gladers as they sat around the campfire. Newt was sitting beside Minho, laughing at something that he had said, whilst Gally was picking fights with some of the boys. I sat by myself, like usual. It was peaceful. I liked being alone. I just hated being lonely.

"Hey." A voice said, causing me to flinch. I looked behind me to find the greenie, a wide smile on his face. It was a really nice smile, as well. Something that I could see myself getting used to. Smiles like that seemed to give me hope, which was hard to come by these days.

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