To Heal (part 2) (Gale)

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"There. Finished." You grinned at Vick as you finally finished setting his foot into a cast, using the spare white fabrics Katniss lent you from her stash. Swiftly, you tied a knot on the cast and made sure that the foot was completely immobilized before going over to the corner with spare wood and made Vick a makeshift crutch.

Vick smiled as he watched you work, your eyes narrowed in concentration, much like how Katniss's mother worked, according to Hazelle. The thought of being something like Katniss's mom made you feel a small swell of pride within you. It was nice to be appreciated for service, come to think of it. When at last you finished tying the last string onto the crutch, you stood up and walked over to Vick, handing it over to him as you helped him get up from the stretcher. "Here you go. I hope it works."

Rory, in the meanwhile, was already looking a lot better since you cleansed out and stitched his wound and gave him even a bit of dressing and bandage so that should the wound bleed again it wouldn't stain his clothing. The colour was starting to return to his cheeks, and he grinned cheekily at Vick.

"Wow, Vick. Wait till Gale and Posy see you," Rory chuckled, watching his younger brother manage the crutch as he slowly made his way to him. Vick only flashed him a smile.

"Alright (Y/N), dinner's ready," Hazelle called. "Boys, you can come too if you can."

Both Rory and Vick started to race to the kitchen, Rory more so than Vick since he still had two functional legs. Posy, who turned out to be the only daughter in the Hawthorne family and the youngest, also ran downstairs. As you got seated, you couldn't help but notice Gale's absence. How long was he out already? An hour? Two hours?

"Don't fret, (Y/N)," Hazelle told you, sensing your worries and doubts as she helped herself to some potatoes and chicken. "Gale's always been like this lately."

"Been like what?"

A slight shade of white dusted Gale's cheeks as he materialized without a sound behind you, and both you and Hazelle turned to see him. You swore just by looking at him you felt a light dust of pink settle in your face.

"Oh, hello Gale," Hazelle smiled, gesturing him to sit beside you. "We're just talking a bit about you."

Gale nodded bitterly as he set his coat behind his chair, sitting beside you and pulling his chair in as he helped himself to whatever was in front of him. You grabbed onto a dinner roll in the meanwhile and turned it around and around in your hands, trying to calm yourself down. Having never been in love before today, you had to admit you were absolutely nervous.

"You alright, (Y/N)?" Rory asked you from across the table.

You nodded, gingerly taking a bite from your dinner roll, which tasted slightly bland. Quickly, you dipped it in the bowl of soup beside you, raising the roll again to your mouth. "Yeah, I'm alright," you nodded in assurance.

"So you got my brothers healed up alright?" Gale asked you quietly, taking another bite of his dinner.

You nodded as you turned to him, your heart doing a little dance in your chest, though you were able to hide that. "Yeah. I hope I did." You glanced at them uncertainly. "I'm not as good as...some doctors around here, you know. It's my first time giving service outside of District 12."

"Well, you're doing great," Hazelle complimented you. "Gale here had been hurt once by Peacekeepers whipping him back in District 12. New rules, you know. Poaching has been illegal and on that day he swung by with a wild turkey in hand under the nose of a new Head Peacekeeper."

"After a fight with Katniss," Gale mumbled softly, though you caught every word he said.

"Anyway, so she and Katniss's younger sister, Prim, fixed him up easily," Hazelle recalled. "It took him a few days, but he came around."

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