Happy Valentine's Day!

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So this is your typical Valentine's Day special edition one-shot from me. I know, it might be a bit...I don't know...strange to read. I'll apologize right off the bat if it sounds weird or doesn't make sense when you read it (I'm planning on doing little ones per male character), but I hope you guys enjoy it and I sincerely hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day nonetheless. I think you all deserve it this year.

If you want me to develop these then by all means let me know!

(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

Peeta Mellark

"And...finished," Peeta Mellark said with a smile as he finished off the final pink iced flower on the twenty-fourth chocolate cupcake, lifting up the icing bag as he inspected the floral beauty on the baked delicacy. His blue eyes swept across the tray now, at every iced cake so carefully and so artistically done by his own hand, an alternating pattern of little iced hearts and little iced flowers over the vanilla frosting creating quite the aesthetically appealing design to the eye, bringing in such wonderful colour to the bakery where he worked in.

His older brothers simply chuckled as they watched their younger brother work so hard on the cakes in front of him. "I'm sure she'll love them," one of them piped up, sweeping back his blond hair with a hand.

"Oh, I'm sure she will," Peeta told them. "She truly means the world to me."

"And she's just outside!" the other of the two reminded him as he went over to the door and opened it, having seen your familiar figure just floating by the door of the bakery through the glass. Instantly, you turned around upon recognizing one of Peeta's older brothers, and you chuckled, playfully dropping into a curtsy.

"My, what a surprise we have today," you said with a laugh as you rose. "How do you do?"

Peeta's older brother chuckled as he welcomed you in. "I'm doing rather well, my dear. And you?"

"I'm rather well," you responded lightly, nodding.


You turned as you heard Peeta's voice from behind the counter, and a wide grin soon formed over your face as you saw him run over to you with a white box packaged and tied with a beautiful (F/C) ribbon. A giggle escaped the moment you recognized it; it must have been more baked goods, fresh from the bakery.

"Peeta. Wow, this is quite a surprise," you murmured, lifting a hand to finger the silken material of the ribbon before giving it a gentle tug, undoing the ties of the ribbon as it gently tumbled towards the smooth white counter beneath the box. Gently, you then opened the box, peeking in the flap...and you grinned as you saw the carefully iced cupcakes, creating quite the spectacle to the eye that you knew no other capable person ever could do. "It's beautiful."

"And it's all for you, (Y/N)," Peeta murmured, his face aglow as he watched your ecstatic reaction just a few inches away. He then took one step towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "A very special friend till the very end."

"Ah, you." You smiled as you leaned your head on his shoulder, a slight dust of rose tinting your cheeks. "Happy Valentine's Day, Peeta."

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, (Y/N)."

Finnick Odair

The salty sharp fragrance of the ocean laced the air with a calming aura that made you smile as you walked home from the fishing market one day, a basket full of fish in hand. What's not to love about a beautiful sunny day near the water, where the sunlight would scatter itself all over the water's surface that never stills, but always dances in rhythms so unpredictable? Such a dazzling beauty always brought your spirits high, and a laugh rang through the air now as you made your way along the sandy path, a little skip in every step you took.

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